n o t i c e

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Hey! Thank you for choosing to read my story, it means a lot. But before you move on to the first chapter, there are a few things I'd like to clear up.

This is a short story consisting of just dialogues. You've most probably read/seen similar stories but if you haven't, let me break it down for you. This means that the story mainly includes short conversations between the characters over the phone. This also means that these are not the only conversations the duo has, they are just a few of the many. You'll understand this as you go about the story. If you're facing any problems feel free to ask!

Before any one of you pounces on me, claiming that I copied a story whatsoever, let me stop you right there. This story is inspired by the one and only Pizzeria Boy. So yes, it is similar to it in a way. No, I didn't do that on purpose, any similarity to it is actually a coincidence. I have read the story (you should too if you haven't by the way - it's great!) and the initial idea did come from it BUT I promise you I have written this solely on my own with my own plot.

All characters belong to me and it would offend me if you in any shape or form tried to steal my work. So please learn the difference between actual stealing and/or getting inspired and gaining ideas.

Anyways, I hope you give Taco House of Love a chance and decide to fall in love with it either way. Thank you for sticking around, I'll see you at the end of chapter 20. I hope you enjoy.

Please let me know what you think and leave votes and comments because they literally make my day!


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