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"Congratulations! You're our gold customer. Order whatever you like, it's on us today!"


"Yes, Viv?"

"What's all this about?"

"Oh. Right. You've been ordering from here regularly for over four months. It's a little gift to you from everyone here at the Taco House."

"Four months, huh? We've really been talking for four months?"

"Yup. Four months since you called and demanded for a pizza."

"...That was embarrassing."

"Tell me about it. I thought you were a crazy old lady. Still have my doubts though."

"I am neither old nor am I crazy! Okay, maybe a little crazy but definitely not old!"

"I won't be absolutely sure until I see for myself. For all I know you could be a ragged grandma living in a basement with her nine cats obsessed with pizza and hot boys like myself."

"Hot? Psht, in your dreams maybe."

"Trust me on this one."

"Yeah right. For all I know you could be a scrawny twelve year old white boy with Harry Potter glasses."

"Do I sound twelve to you?"


"Thought so."

"Hey! You called me an ugly grandma, I had to say something!"

"I was joking. I'm sure you're beautiful."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Well, I'm not. But my gut thinks so, so I'll just roll with it."

"Smart gut."

"Mmhmm. So, what would you like to have on your special day?"

"Whatever you like. Surprise me."

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