v e i e n t e

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"Turn around," Asher breathed into the phone as he stood there a few feet away from Forever 21, anxious to finally put a face to the girl on the other end of the line.

The mall was obviously crowded, it always is. Men, women, children rushed from one side to another in a frenzy. But for both, Asher and Vivian, it seemed as if the world surrounding them became a soft blur, all the sounds dimming to silence.

Asher could see girls entering and exiting Forever 21 but there was one particular dark haired girl in black jeans and an olive green t-shirt that caught his eye. She stood a few feet away, facing the clothing store with her back towards Asher as she held her phone against her ear. The way her calm demeanor changed and the way her small frame stiffened when he uttered those two words convinced him that she was the one. She had to be.

Turn around. Turn around. Turn around. Shit! He was here. He was really here. Vivian's heart sped up while her knees began to tremble and her breathing quickened. Neither she nor Asher said another word but she knew he hadn't hung up because she could hear him breathing on the other end. Vivian knew she couldn't keep standing like that; she had to turn around sooner or later. So mustering up every ounce of courage in her, she did.

Her eyes scanned the crowd from left to the right. There were too many people here, including a lot of boys. She didn't know what he looked like, how was she supposed to find him? Vivian opened her mouth to tell Asher she didn't know who she was looking for when suddenly her eyes locked with a pair of dark eyes that belonged to the most handsome boy she had ever seen.

And he was staring right at her. Her mouth gaped open as she took in the boy's full appearance. He had brown hair which gave off major 'just-rolled-out-of-bed' vibes. Even from a distance Vivian could tell it was soft and her fingers itched to touch it. She also noticed that his face wasn't the only thing attractive about him. He was tall and the lean physique under the grey hoodie suggested plenty of hours spent in the gym.

Meanwhile, Asher himself was left stunned. He had imagined Vivian to be beautiful but not this striking. The girl standing a few feet away from him had definitely taken his breath away the moment she had turned and caught his eye. Made him wonder why the hell had he waited so long to meet her?

Soon enough, Asher snaps himself out of the trance the sight of her had put him in and a smile found its way to his lips. "Hey," he says into his phone, letting out the breath that had caught in his throat, slowly stepping forward.

Hearing the voice she had learnt to love, brought a smile on her face. Vivian was now one hundred percent sure that the gorgeous boy walking towards her was Asher. The boy she had spent four months talking to on the phone almost every day. The boy who had somehow made her fall in love with tacos and himself. He was taco boy, her taco boy.

Asher was now right in front of her and he was taller than he had seemed. Vivian had to crane her neck to look up into his eyes. The duo took their time examining every inch of the others face, as if trying to memorise each feature.

Asher brought his phone away from his ear and pocketed it, his eyes not once leaving Vivian's. He then takes Vivian's phone, which was still pressed up against her ear, and swiftly slides it into her jean's back pocket. A blush crept up onto her cheeks at the gesture which made Asher's smile turn into a full grin.

He took her hands into his and pulled her closer to him. "Met your expectations?" He smirks.

Her body snapping out from its stunned state, Vivian once again felt her knees go weak hearing his hypnotic voice in person for the first time. If Asher wasn't holding on to her, she would've plummeted to the floor face down.

"You're not even close to a scrawny twelve year old."

He chuckles, "What did I tell you?"

"I'll admit I'm impressed."

"So am I," he says stepping close enough to see the red flecks in her green eyes, "My gut was right after all. You're beautiful."

She wasn't the blushing type, but the soft sincerity in his voice made her cheeks redden further and tucking a strand of her loose wavy hair behind her ear as she lowered her head. Her head didn't stay down for long when long warm fingers wrapped around her chin to lift her face up to look back into Asher's chocolaty eyes that trailed down her face to her lips. Oh how he'd thought of this moment for days and now here she was, in his arms, her face only mere inches away from his. Resting his forehead against hers, he contemplated whether or not he act on impulse and kiss her. Would she mind? They had only just met and would him being so forward make her uncomfortable enough to push him away?

Deciding to test the water he gently brushed his lips against her and no sign of protest on her part was all he needed to finally press his lips down on hers. Much to his liking, she responded immediately, just as if she had desired the kiss as much as him. Starting off slow, both of them savored the moment they had long awaited. With one hand caressing her cheek, his arm looped around her waist and pulled her body closer to his just as her hands found their way around his neck and played with the hair at his nape. Moving his hand to the back of her neck, he held her head in place to deepen the kiss.

Standing there in the middle of the third floor, wrapped up in each others arms, they could care less about their surroundings. Completely oblivious to the hoots from passing teenagers, unaware of the old ladies shaking their heads at them and ignorant to the massive PDA their lip-lock had displayed for the kids present there with their families, they enjoyed themselves until they finally had to break apart to catch their breath.

Asher leans his forehead against her, "So, the usual today?" He asks clearly out of breath due to their heavy make-out session

"I'd like that. Pack in the boy who made me fall in love with tacos too, will you?" Vivian wiggles her eyebrows causing Asher to let out a chuckle. He brings his lips up to her forehead, leaving a soft kiss before retreating to his original position.

A smirk breaks out on his lips, "That can be arranged."


A/N: Well, there it is! I wrote this entire story in a span of 48 hours. What is life. Though I hope you don't hate the ending as much as I do, oh well. Anyways, I hope you liked it. Leave votes, comments and let me know what you thought of Taco House of Love. If you're reading this then that means you did read the whole story and for that I love you from the bottom of my heart and you should go reward yourself with a cookie. Vivian and Asher said they love you too. You're welcome.


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