City Gone (Book 2) - Chapter 1

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The room buzzes with laughter and conversation. No one else is scared about what will happen when we get to the city? Probably not.

I hold fast to my bags, and stand promptly on the other side of Rush. I tense up, and set my jaw, staring into the distance.

"You ok April?" He asks.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Why do you ask?" I say and turn to him.

"It's nothing." He says and looks away.

"Ok. Well your gonna have to tell me sometime." I laugh.

I shuffle a bit, and close my eyes. Actually I'm definitely not fine. Definitely not fine. I always tend to say I'm ok, but I'm really not.

When our name is called, we get sent into a room where we are analyzed to see if we are healthy enough, strong enough, and brave enough to go. Then, we will be sent away in a train, with our own train car. We will be dropped off at different locations, and anonymously. That's what I was told at least.

"April Chance." The loudspeaker announces.

I snap open my eyes. Two doctors grab both of my arms and pull me foward.

"Rush. Promise you'll find me?" I scream and reach out, trying to fight free as they drag me away.

"Promise." He says.

"Never stop looking ok?" I yell.

"I won't." He says.

"You must cooperate Miss. Chance." The man growls.

A memory fades into my mind, causing me to go crazy.

"Your hurting me!" I hiss, and try to wriggle free.

"Let go of me!" I screech.

I kick my leg up, and hit the one guard in the chest, sending him flying backward into a water fountain. I spin around, and trip the other, sending him flying to the ground into the other guard. I turn around and walk down the hallway they were taking me to. I hold my head high, and walk perfectly normal.

I hear footsteps running up from behind me. I hold my fist up, which in less than a second, makes contact with ones face. I smirk, and without looking, grab the others wrist and twist. I continue walking, and it hits me.

I turn around, and see the men laying on the floor, medics around them. People in the room cheering and applauding. Did I do that? I don't remember doing that. Did I black out again?

I quickly run down the hall to the medics side.

"One has a broken nose, other shattered wrist, sprained or worse. The one with a broken nose also has a broken jaw bone. Possible surgery recommended. The one with the twisted wrist-" I analyze in seconds.

He opens his eyes and I get my hypothesis.

"He has a concussion. Take to doctor immediately." I say.

They look at me astonished, faces twisted with amazement and shock.

"What?" I say with a smile.

"Glad to help." I say and turn back down the hallway.

I open the only door and walk inside to another plain white room, with no windows, and a black chair in the center. I quickly walk in, and a woman greets me.

"Hello again Miss. Chance. Please sit down, we must talk."

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