Once Upon A Time Ch. 4

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Chapter 4


I walked into Mr. Gold's store "Bailey where is everyone" he asked me "Henry's missing and I can find him" I said. "What" he asked me a little confused "the potion you gave me if I take it I can try and get into Henry's dreams or mind. If I do that I can find out where he is but you have to help me".

He shook his head as we moved to the back "you take it and you fall into a deep sleep, there's only a few ways to wake up from this though" Mr. Gold said to me. "What are the ways" "one is true loves kiss" "which I'm not in love with anyone so that won't work" I said.

"Second is death" "which I'm already dead so" I said to him "lastly is if you have a huge secret that controls your life in a way then that can possibly wake you up". I sighed there was a huge secret "okay" "do you still want to do this" "yes, but I have favor to ask before". I took a deep breath "I need you to get David and bring him here, just David though, trust me" I said to him.

Mr. Gold looked at me confused but agreed "give me five minutes then take it" Mr. Gold said to me about to walk away. "Okay" I said shaking my head "Bailey, good luck" he said walking away as I took a deep breath.

Five minutes past as I opened the small bottle, sitting on a small bed "here we go" I said and drank the liquid. I lay on the bed and then everything became dark. My secret was going to come out sooner or later.


I walked around just walking out of a building and seeing Mr. Gold walking towards me "Gold have you seen Henry anywhere" "no I haven't but you need to come with me". I sighed starting to walk away "can't this wait" "David, Bailey took the sleeping potion" Gold said to me and I stopped turning around.

"What, we told her not to" I said walking up to him "she's just try to help, you know she feels like she doesn't fit in" Gold said. I sighed "where is she" "back at my shop, she told me to get you before she took it" we started to walk to the shop.

I walked to the back of the shop and saw Bailey laying there "will she find him" "maybe" Gold said to me. We heard the front door open and Gold walked out of the back to the front while I stood there looking at Bailey. I heard a crash and quick went out to the front of the store.

I saw Regina standing there and Gold lying on the floor. I quick grabbed my sword "Regina, go" I said looking at her mad. "David move you're not part of this" "go" I said again she smiled and looked at me.

I held the sword close to me "what if I told you I could help you with something that has been eating you" Regina told me. "What are you talking about" "your daughter" "I know where my daughter is" I said still holding my sword up. "I mean your first daughter, Star" I froze "she's dead" "no she's not, well in a way she is but she's alive".

"You're lying" I said not believing a word "am I, she's alive David" "where is she" I said almost a whisper. "Her name, that we know her as, is Bailey" Regina said with her smile and I put my sword down "no" I whispered to myself. "Yes, she is your daughter, she's not dead, she's alive and here" I put my sword down trying to process all of it.

"How do I wake her up" I said mad "there is a way, in order to wake her up I can do a spell but there's a catch" "what is it" I quickly asked. "You have to find her" I looked at her confused "do you remember when Hook first took Star" "of course" I said.

"Well where ever he took her, if I do the spell that's where she'll wake up" "I don't know where he took her though". She smiled "well then it looks like you're going to have to ask Hook, but you have to go alone" she said and I thought for a second then walked away.


I looked around and I was trapped in what looked like the inside of a castle in a big room. There were rows of fire everywhere as I tried to look threw them "Henry, Henry" I called out and then seeing him "Henry" I called out as he turned around and looked at me.

"Bailey" "Henry everything is going to be okay, were trying to find you but we don't know where you are". He looked around "I'm in this cellar but were leaving soon and going to the dock, Bailey they have the last seed" Henry said to me. I sighed of course they did.

"Henry we will find you I promise" I said then he disappeared "Henry" I called out but he was already gone. Now how was I going to get out, I was trapped in this dream world until someone got me out, if they even could. There was only one way someone could wake me up but I didn't want David to know.

Not yet.


"Where did you take her" I asked Hook walking on his ship mad "who" he asked as I pointed my sword at him. "My daughter Star" I asked as he put his hand up "I will tell you everything you want to know as long as you put the sword down" I sighed but put it down.

"Where" I asked "why, all of a sudden, do you want to know" Hook asked me "just tell me" I said and he studied me for a few seconds. "Alright" he said grabbing a map of the enchanted forest "here" he said handing me it "this isn't telling me anything" I said opening it up "but it does it shows you what you want most".

I looked at it "if your daughter is what you want most, then it will show you where I took her" all of a sudden it showed a cabin on the map. "Thank you" I said "she won't be there" Hook said as I started to walk away "you don't know that".

"Yes I do, she is dead I watched her die" Hook said pointing at himself as I stopped and looked at him. "You don't know, do you" I said wanting to just go already "know what" "she is alive, and I will find her" "fine waste your time trying to find somebody that's not alive" he said. I walked off the ship and found a horse feeling like I was back when I tried to fine Star the first time.

I grabbed a horse so it would be quicker and easier to go out in the woods and find Bailey. When I got close to where the cabin was supposed to be I stopped the horse and tied to a nearby tree, then started to walk.

I looked at the map again and looked around, the cabin should be right here; I knew I shouldn't have trusted Hook. I took a few more steps and a small cabin came in view, it had no windows, a steel door, and blended right in with the woods around. I quickly ran to the cabin and lifted the large piece of wood that was locking the door and opened it.

The light took over the small, dark, cabin and everything was light; it was one room with no doors and no furniture except for one small piece that was a table. I looked over and saw Bailey in the corner laying there. I quickly ran over to her and looked at her, now that I knew the truth and really looked at her she did look like me.

"Star, Star" I said holding her in my arms as she opened her eyes and looked at me "David what are you doing here, what did you call me" "I called you Star" she froze. "Where did you" I cut her off "I know, I know everything, why didn't you tell me" she smiled and her eyes started to water as did mine a little "I was scared". I rapped her in my arms hugging her as she hugged me back not wanting to ever let her go again.

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