Once Upon A Time Ch. 7

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Chapter 7


I woke up, sitting up and looking around, god I hated dreams so much. "Sounds like a nightmare" I quickly turned and saw Hook standing there looking at his Hook. "Um, yeah, sort of, more like a memory". "Pan can do that here, he can do anything here" Hook said looking off some place.

"Okay" I said and stood up about to walk away "you know Pan can make you remember things that he took away" Hook said looking at me. I stopped and looked at him "you sound like you know the feeling" "yes" he sighed and walked up to me "I have a question, and you have to answer me, there's no running away, avoiding the question, nothing".

I stood there silent waiting for him to ask me the question "are you Star Woods" "you're going to have to be a little more specific than a name" I said to him. "Don't do that" Hook said mad "like I said you're going to have to be more specific" I said getting mad too.

"Are you the girl I saved all those years ago" Hook said as I sighed "yeah, I am" I said to him. "You're lying" he said to me "you just told me to tell you who I was and I did" I said not believing him. "You really are her" Hook said to me "yeah I am" I said with a small sigh of relief. He took a step forward "people can't know" I quick said to him and walked up the steps.

I heard him sigh as I looked around. All of a sudden the ship shook as Hook came up "what was that" Regina asked "well this is my cue to go" Gold said as he started to walk away "wait what" I said as he turned his cane and we all looked at it but I looked at him. "Gold" I said but he disappeared "he left us" Emma said. "Yeah he does that" Hook said as the ship shook again.

"What is that" Emma said as we all ran to the edge of the ship while Hook took the wheel. I looked in the water and saw something "what is that" David asked as he stood next to me looking in the water. "Mermaids" I said with a sigh but mad.

"Mermaids" Mary asked surprised "yes and very mad ones too" Hook said as he tried to control the ship. David helped him while we help tie the ropes. I heard a noise and looked over the edge.

"Why does this seem so familiar" I said to myself not realizing it was raining. "I got one" I heard Emma and Mary say as I realized they had a mermaid. I helped pull it up as it hit the ship and looked at us. "Get that thing off my ship" Hook said mad "no we can ask it questions" Regina said. We looked at it as it looked at me "you again" she said to me.

"You know he's been waiting for you" the mermaid said to me "you don't talk to her" David said pushing me aside. He grabbed a sword and pointed it at her "David what are you doing" Mary asked him. "Wait" I said pushing him away "what do you mean" I asked her as she smiled at me. "You don't remember do you" she said to me.

"Remember what" I asked her "this" she said blowing as a huge wind came and threw me off the ship and into the water. "Bailey" David called out.


"Bailey" I called out but she was already in the water. I grabbed a rope and tied it around me "don't can in there, you'll die" Hook yelled over the storm "I have to" I yelled back to him. "She'll be alright, just wait" Hook said to me as I looked in the water.


I hit the water and fell under the water, as I opened my eyes; I look and saw a whole bunch of mermaids swimming around. I remembered this.


I looked around "what's happening" I asked Hook "it's a storm" Hook said as I looked over the ship. I saw mermaids swimming around hitting the ship "Star, get away from there" Hook called out to me. I went to reach down into the water "Star" Hook called but turned to background noise.

A mermaid grabbed my arm and pulled me under the water holding onto me. I struggled under the water trying to break free of her grip but couldn't. I came up for air seeing Hook and the ship "Hook" I called out as he threw me a rope but I was pulled under again. The mermaid swam and swam with me in its arms coming up to the surface at times for me to get air.

Finally she let go as I swam to the surface and looked around seeing an island close by as I swam over to it. I crawled up the sand and sat there looking around "where am I" I said to myself "Never Land" I heard a voice say. I quickly turned around and saw a kid around my age. "Who are you" I asked him standing up as he did a small smile "my names Peter Pan".

End of Memory

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