Once Upon A Time Ch. 8

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Chapter 8


I came up to the surface and saw the ship and everyone standing on it. I saw Hook and David look at me "BAILEY" David yelled as I gave Hook a look "BAILEY, DON'T" Hook yelled but I started to swim towards the island. "BAILEY, BAILEY, STAR" David yelled and I stopped and looked at him as did everyone else did.

"I'LL MEET YOU THERE" I yelled back to them and swam the rest of the way to the island, which was a lot.


I looked over and saw Bailey come up to the surface "BAILEY" I yelled as she started to swim to the island. I had to get her attention "BAILEY, BAILEY, STAR" I yelled out to her. She stopped and looked at me "I'LL MEET YOU THERE" she yelled to me as I realized what I just called her. "David, why did you just call her Star" Mary asked me as I sighed. I had to tell her now, I had no choice. "There's something I have to tell you, all of you, I haven't been all the way truthful with you" I looked at Mary who looked at me a little scared. "What do you mean" she asked confused.

I sighed "do you remember when we got married I wanted to tell you something but never did". She shook her head yes "before you and I got married there was someone" "David you told me this already, you fell in love someone, but never got married because you knew she wasn't the one" Mary said stopping me.

I sighed "that's only halfway correct" I said to her and she looked at me confused "I don't understand" "I never married her but" I took a deep breath "but I had a child with her". She froze "you're kidding right" "I wish I was but I'm not, I'm sorry I should have told you". She started to walk away from me but I quick grabbed her arm "Mary wait, let me explain". "Why is this just coming up" she asked while her eyes watered.

"Because I lost her years ago, but I found her" I said with a small smile "wait, you mean Bailey is your daughter, my sister" Emma asked me as Mary looked at me. I looked at Emma "technically half-sister, but yes". "Wow talk about a huge drop on us" Regina said.

"Listen I can explain everything, I just, I need you to understand. I thought she died, I thought there's no point bring up something that happen all tough's years ago, if she's dead". Mary took a deep breath "let's just fine Henry" she said and walked away from me as everyone looked at me then looked away.

I sighed, mad at myself and looked over the edge "don't worry, they'll understand" Hook said placing his hand on me. I quickly turned and looked at him mad "because of you this is happening, if we don't find her, I will kill you". I walked away from him leaving Hook a little surprised.


I finally reached the island and crawled up the land and laid there. I was so tired, I had forgotten that all this time I hadn't had anything to eat and I felt like I was going to die. I looked up at the dark sky trying to forget about it but it's been awhile since I had eaten anything.

I heard a noise and quick stood up looking in the woods baring my fangs. A boy walked out with a stick "you have changed since the last time I saw you" the boy said to me. I looked at him as my fangs went away "who are you" Is aid as my voice cracked. "Hungry I'm guessing" he said with a smile as I just stood there and looked at him "there's a few deer I had just past not too far from here I'm sure you'll find them".

I looked at him for a second wondering if this was a trick until I heard the footsteps of a deer and ran past the boy and to the deer.

It was so good and refashion as I whipped my mouth, clean. "Feel better" I turned around to see the same boy leaning on a tree. I stood up and grabbed his throat pushing him up against the tree. "Who are you, how do you know what I am" "Pan knows everything that is on his island" the boy said with a smile as I put him down.

"You're a lost boy, aren't you" I said with a small smile "you remember" "not really but I know who you are". "Pan is looking for you" the boy said "if he wants me so bad tell him to let my friend go" "Henry? He's not hurt if that's what you're wondering" he said to me.

I sighed "you seem confused" "stop acting like you know me" he took a few steps forward. "Well actually, I think I know you better than you think" he said with a smile "what do you want" I asked him. "Pan wants me to bring you to him" he said "and why is that".

"You really don't remember" he asked me "remember what" "the memories of you and him". I looked at him a little confused "how about this, you come with me and I promise you that Pan will cure you".

I smiled "sorry, I kind of like being a vampire" I ran towards him about to kill him until he threw this dust on me. Then everything went black.

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