Once Upon A Time Ch. 10

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Chapter 10


We walked around the woods "I thought you said you know these woods" I asked Hook "I do". We cut a few sticks down until Hook stopped me "wait, you don't want to touch those, one touch and it will kill you". "What is it" I asked Hook "poison" "I'll just cut through it".

Hook stopped me "I wouldn't do that if I were you mate, let's just walk around it" I sighed but followed everyone around it. "So I have to ask, when you took Star I mean Bailey, did she enjoy being around you". Part of me didn't want to really want to know but I did want to know "it's not mine to say, have Bailey tell you" Hook said as we continued to walk.

"I want you to tell me" I said to Hook as he stopped and looked at me with a sigh. "At the beginning, no, but after a while yes, she did enjoy it. If it makes you feel any better, she tried to run away a few times and asked every night if she could go home". Part of me was happy about that but deep inside I could never forgive him for what he did.


I sat on a log in the woods while everyone else was making things. I looked at the ground day dreaming until a long stick was thrown in front of me. I looked up and saw a boy "they say you're one of the best fighters, let's see" I smiled and rolled my eyes. I stood up grabbing the stick "do you really want to do this" I said with a smile.

"I say you can't do anything" "why because I'm a girl" I said to him with a smirk. He was silent "I'll show you what this girl can do". He raised his stick that had a sharp rock at the end as I raised mine. He went to hit me but I blocked him as he went to hit me again and again I blocked him. We went like this for a few minutes until I had him down to the ground with a cut on his cheek.

He laid there a little scared as I smiled and held out my hand. He hesitantly took it as I helped him up. "You're pretty good" I turned to see Pan standing with a smile "well I had years of practice" I said as everyone left. "So let's see if those years of practice paid off" Pan said as he grabbed a stick.

"Works for me" "why don't we used real swords" Pan said as I looked at him confused. "What do you mean" "just imagine the sword in your hand" Pan said as all of a sudden his stick turned into a real sword. I imagined the sword in my hand and there it was, a real sword was in my hand.

I smiled and turned the sword in my hand looking at it. I looked at Pan pointing the sword at him as he put his hands up with a smile "you're good with a sword" Pan said. Then he quickly raised his sword and hit my sword as our swords were right in front of us and we looked at each other.

"I learned from the best" I said with a smile as we fought each other with smiles and laughs until he hit the sword out of my hands. "Your good" I said with a smile as I sat up and grabbed my sword "around here you have to be". My smile faded away "what is it" "where is Henry" I asked again.

He sighed "why do you want to know so badly" "because Pan, you took him away from his family". Pan set his sword down "he is the key, he can save magic" "yeah, because magic is all you care about". I walked away from him into the woods.


We came across one of Pans old camps and looked around "I think I found something" Emma called out as we all ran over to her. "This is Henry's" she said holding up a coin "that could be anyone's" Regina said disappointed. "No I know it's his" "and how could you possible know" Regina said mad.

"Because I gave it to him and he drew with a red marker on the face" Emma said showing us the red spot. "Well done Emma" we all quickly turned around and looked up on a small hill. "Who are you" Emma asked "I'm Peter Pan" Pan said as I drew out my sword.

"Where's my daughter" I asked pointing the sword at Pan, mad. "Don't worry she's safe, so is Henry" "where is Henry" Emma asked mad as well. "That will all come clear soon enough" Pan said with a smile as out of nowhere an arrow went through the air as Pan caught it in his hand.

I turned around seeing that Mary sent the arrow. "That wasn't very nice" Pan said then whistled. Some boys came out, all having bow and arrows in their hands getting ready to shoot. Emma and I had are swords ready, Regina had a fire ball, Mary Margaret had her arrows ready, and Hook just had himself.

"We don't want to start a fight but just remember you can't have any of them. Yet" Arrows started to fly all over the place as we fought a few boys. All of a sudden an arrow came and scraped my right side. Then just like that Pan whistled and everyone left "remember you're on my island" Pan said with a smile then left.

We all stood there, no one knew I was shot. Little did I know what was on the arrow that hit me.

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