Once Upon A Time Ch. 16

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Chapter 16



Pan walked me thru the woods "so you live here by yourself" I asked, looking around seeing a small campfire, logs, and a lot of trees. "Yeah, this is home" "wow, this place is amazing" I said looking around. I took a few steps forward and sat on a log "Star" I looked up "welcome to Neverland" Peter said with a smile as I smiled back at him.

End of Flashback


I looked out the window of Henry's window as he slept in his bed, remembering when I found out about Never Land. I sighed and looked at Henry/ Pan and jumped out the window and quick ran to the woods. I looked around as I felt hurt inside "what am I supposed to do" I called out "I don't know what to do" I whispered as I quickly heard a noise and turned and saw Hook.

"What are you doing here" I asked a little mad "just going for a walk, looks like someone's upset" "more like confused". "About what" Hook asked me as I looked at him for a second before doing a small laugh and smiling at him. "If I tell you then I have to kill you" "well I already lost a hand so" Hook said to me as I studied him for a second.

I quickly ran over to him and pinned him to the ground "don't mess with me right now, you really don't want to get me mad" I said mad and quick ran off. I ran until I saw Gold walking down the street with Bell, I first walked over to them "Gold" I called out as he turned and looked at me "well hello there Bailey". "Listen, I need your help with a poison" I said to Gold.

"Well we're closed right now" "Gold help me" I said a little mad "like I said we're closed, I'm sorry, come back tomorrow" Gold said to me. "Gold if you don't help me I will make your son hate you again" I said mad as he looked at me a little surprised. "Bell why don't you go, I'll catch up later" Gold looked at me "go to my shop, I'll be there in a minute".

I walked to his shop "you're going to help her" Bell asked Gold, shocked "yes" Gold said "why, because you think she's going to make your son hate you" "no" Gold said and paused for a moment then looked at Bell. "I know she would" Gold said as Gold went to the store where I stood. Gold unlocked the door "Gold, I'm sorry what I said back there, I just really need your help" I said.

"I understand" Gold said and unlocked the store door as we walked inside "so what do you need so badly". I sighed "I need a spell to bring me back in time" "what, why would you want that" Gold asked me confused. "Because there's so many questions that go through my head, and if I can answer them, then I'll choose the right thing to do".

Gold sighed and looked at the ground "please, there's so much that I don't know" I said as Gold looked at me. He walked to a small box, picked it up, opened it, and lifted up a small ring. "You put this on and your soul will go wherever you want it to go, your body here will be unconscious, it's dangerous" Gold said to me.

"I understand" I said as he handed me the ring "please don't tell anyone" "I won't unless they ask me what happen, then I have to tell them" Gold said to me as I sighed. "I understand, thank you again and I am sorry, you should that I would never do that to you or your son". I walked out of the store and to the apartment was Mary Margaret and David stayed at.

I knocked on their door and Mary answered it "hey sweetie, what up" "I was wondering if I could stay here, just for tonight" I asked her. "Of course, come on in" Mary said as I walked in "thank you, really thank you" I said as I looked around. "You know your father has been telling me that he wants you to come and spend at least one night so he'll be happy to know that you are" Mary said as I sat down in a chair.

"Can I get you anything to drink" Mary asked me "um, just water that's all" I say as she gets me some water and puts it in front of me. "I have question, but please don't tell David" I said "okay" she said confused as I smiled. "Does David every day that he wishes that he didn't have me that it was just Emma and you" I asked holding the glass in front of me a little nervous.

"Oh honey of course not, he never stops talking about you, when I found out he shared a lot of memories with you. He loves you so much" I smiled "thanks" I said "if you don't mind me asking you, why don't you call David, dad" I smiled. "I guess I never really had to call anyone dad, so when I was able to, it just never came out".

Mary smiled "I understand, but I think you should because he really would love it" "thank you". I stood up to go to the spare bedroom "Mary can ask you one last thing" "anything" Mary said with her smile. "Do you think he would like it if I wanted just me and him to go for a ride or something" she smiled at me "he would love it". "Thank you for everything" I said "you're welcome".

I sat down in the small room and looked at the ring that lay in my hand, I had a plan, but it didn't agree with Pans plan. I decided that I had to go with mine instead of his. Pans plan was to trick everyone and make them believe that he was Henry until the time came and he would do a spell on the whole town to make them forget. I didn't want that, maybe I could talk him into going back to Never Land with me.

The next day, I woke up late and looked around, no one was there. I quickly put my jacket on and ran around town until I finally found them at the border line. I froze in the middle of the road behind them as I saw Henry in Pan's body, hugging everyone. Henry looked at me "Bailey" Henry called over to me, I sighed and walked over to him "hi Henry".

I was expecting him to tell everyone what happen but he didn't, we hugged each other and that was it. Part of me wanted to call him Pan but knew it wasn't him. "We have to find Regina" Henry said "I have a feeling I know where she's at" Gold said as we followed him to the graveyard where we found her in the bottom of a tomb. "What happen" Regina asked standing up and looking around until she met my eyes.

She made me pinned to the wall "you, I should kill you, maybe I will" Regina said mad "Regina what are you doing" Emma asked her. "You need me" I said "and why do I" she said still mad "because I have plans for Pan". "Why I should I trust you" she asked me "because you know that it would work".

"What's your plan" Gold asked me "let Pan go and he and I will leave" I said as Regina let me go. "Fine, we will try your plan" Regina said as everyone left as I said down in the tomb. After a while I finally went outside but was knocked out. "I have my own plan" I heard Regina say before blackness took over me.

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