Once Upon A Time Ch. 12

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Chapter 12


I opened my eyes and sat up, "god I hate humans" I said to myself and stood up. I walked into Pans camp and passed everyone, going up to Pan. "Can I talk to you" I said and he looked at me "what happened" "your boys" I said and pulled him to the side, away from everyone.

"Why did you send them after me" I asked Pan, mad. "You were going after Henry" "yeah because you're trying to kill him" I said like it was obvious. "Star, you think I'm trying to kill Henry, I need his help to save magic" "how" I said not believing him. "Henry is the only person who can save magic and this island" Pan said and I looked at him, shocked.


I looked at my cut that was on my side that hurt. "That doesn't look too good mate" Hook said pointing at my cut. I pulled my shirt back down and looked at him mad. I got up and went to walk away. We arrived at Echos Cave where we were hoping to save Neal at and walked in. We looked at around and noticed a wooden cage in the middle of a huge hole that seemed endless.

"Emma" Neal shouted and it bounced off the walls of the cave, "Neal" Emma whispered to herself. "Must be a 100 feet across" Mary said "even if we were to fasten some kind of rope, there's nothing to attach it too, no way to swing over" I said looking around.

"So what do we do" Emma asked as Hook sighed "I told you what has to be down" Hook looked at us. "Consider the moment of truth, literally, who wants to kick things off" Hook said with a smile that was fake. "Now who wants to kick things off" "so what someone says there secrets and they grow wings" Emma said.

"I don't know the particles, only what I've been told" Hook said with a smile "how do you know it will work" I asked. Hook turned around and let out a sigh "there's only one way to find out I suppose" Hook looked at the ground. "I kissed Emma" Hook said while turning around facing us.

"You did what" I asked mad as Emma rolled her eyes "David, now is not the time" Mary said to me as I couldn't believe what I just heard. "I already told Mary Margret so technically it's not a secret, but it was just a kiss, how is that your darkest secret" Emma asked Hook.

"It's what the kiss exposed; my secret is I never thought I would never be capable of any kind of love after my first love. That is until I met you" Hook said and no believed what we just heard. All of a sudden the ground shook and a small bridge was built but only a little ways out. Not far enough.

I nodded my head knowing I had to tell them my secret "ah Mary Margaret" "no, me next" Mary said and set down the small lantern. She looked at me and took a deep breath "ever since the curse broke, since we found each other, since we found Emma. In all of that happens there something I wanted to admit".

I sighed hoping it wasn't anything bad "our daughter is a beautiful, smart, amazing woman who I love very much and of who I couldn't be any more proud of. "But she's all grown up, and as much as I want to pretend I'm okay with that, I'm not, we missed it David" Mary Margaret looked up at me.

"What we have with her is very rare, but it's not what we wanted. We were cheated out of everything. Her first step, her first word, her first smile, we missed it all. And I know that you had that with Bailey and I love her like a daughter but I didn't, I never got to see our child do any of that".

"What are you saying" I asked her confused "when we get off this island and get back to Storybrooke I want to have another go at it. I want to have another baby". All of a sudden the ground shook again and the bridge grew a little more almost all the way. "Nothing in this world would make me happier and I know with all my heart you would make".

I smiled as did Mary "an amazing mother, but it can never happen" our smiles faded away. "At least not with me" "what do you mean" Mary asked me scared "when Hook and I went to go search for the potion, he was really taking me to go find a cure".

Mary got mad "a cure for what" "dream shade" I said almost heart breaking inside. "The lost boys, the arrow, you pushed me out of the way" Mary started "I wasn't fast enough, I was hit". Mary went to say something but I stopped her "Hook found a cure but it comes with a price".

"I can't leave Neverland, if I do I'll die" the ground shook again and the bridge finished. Emma ran over to Neil who was still inside the cage "you okay" Emma asked Neil "yeah but Henry I" "its okay were going to take care of him" Emma said with a sigh. "We're going to get you out of their first".

Emma tried to open it but it wouldn't open. "Emma, you know that's not how this works" Emma sighed and knelt down. "It's okay, you can tell me anything" "when I heard you might be hear, that you might still be alive, I wasn't happy, I was ready to let you go". Neil sighed "I didn't want to feel like that but I did, I'm so sorry" the cage vanished and Emma hugged Neil.

They stood up to walk back across the bridge but it fell and the disappeared into the black hole. "What happened" I asked "you need my secrets" I turned around as did everyone else and there stood Bailey.

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