Once Upon A Time Ch. 11

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Chapter 11

Peter Pan

I sat there watching my boys dance, laugh, and enjoying themselves. I noticed Bailey sitting by herself on the other side of the fire. I stood up "let's play a game" I said and everyone stopped talking and dancing to music that people were playing. "What game" one of the boys asked me "I don't know, Bailey what do you think". She looked up at everyone.

"How about, hide and seek" she said with a smile "great idea, now you can hide anywhere but once you see a green line, you don't cross it. We will have two groups, Felix you will be ahead of the first and how about Derek is the second group" I said.

"Ready. Set. Go" I said as the 2 guys started to count and everyone ran to hide. I quick grabbed Baileys hand "follow me" I said as we ran through the woods. I kept holding onto her hand as I could hear her laugh a few times behind me. "Okay threw here" I said as I stood in front of a small cave.

We walked in where it was pure dark inside "it's so dark, how are we supposed to see where we're going" Bailey asked feeling around. I grabbed an old stuck and created a fire on it, seeing Bailey who stood right behind me. She smiled "I would think you would know me by now" I said as I smiled back at her.

"Follow me" I said as we walked thru the cave until we reached the very end were a huge open space was. I set the stick with fire on it in the center and it was like a bonfire. Bailey looked around and saw a whole bunch of pictures that were drawn on the walls "you know this is cheating" she said to me.

"No its not, they know this place excites" I said to her as she walked around looking at all of the pictures. "This place is amazing" she said then looked at me "what's your favorite drawing". I looked around until I found the one "this one" I said as she walked over to me and looked at it.

It was a drawing of a full moon, the second star to the right, and me flying towards it. "Why do you like this" she asked me "I don't know I just do" I said looking at her with a smile until I heard a noise. "Quick hide" I said to her as I had made the fire disappear.

We stood in a whole that was a little taller than us but if you walked in the room you couldn't see us. We both looked at each other until we heard someone walked in the room. "Pan, are you in here, we have trouble" I heard Felix say and I walked out from my hiding spot and made the fire come back up.

"What's wrong" I asked him "Henry's escape" "find him" I said and Felix ran out. I turned around to where Bailey was but she wasn't there and I knew she went after Henry.


"Henry's escape" I heard Felix say "find him" I heard Pan say so I used that to run out of my hiding spot and find Henry. I ran in the woods looking for Henry "Henry, Henry" I called out until I heard someone running and knew it was him.

I ran across a few trees until I saw him running. I quickly went around and grabbed him "let me go, let me go" he said kicking and trying to get out of my grip. "Henry it's me, it's Bailey" I said to him letting him go and he looked at me "Bailey" he said with a smile, hugging me.

I pulled away "did they hurt you" I asked Henry "no, but they want me for something" Henry said. "Come on let's go" I said and looked in front of me, seeing Felix, one of Pan's boys "run, Henry run" I said pushing him as we ran and Felix chased us. "Don't look back" I said as we ran until one of the boys was in front of us and we stopped. I looked at the boy, running fast towards him, and throwing him.

I grabbed Henry's hand and we quickly ran off, but just like that I was shot with an arrow in my back. I stiffened up and Henry stopped, looking back at me "Henry just go" I said as he looked at me worried. He quickly turned around and ran off as I pulled the arrow out of my back, hearing one of the boys behind me.

"Come on, is that the best you've got" I said mad. Felix smiled at me and I was stabbed in my back. I heard Henry scream behind me as someone pulled it out "Henry" I said almost a whisper as Felix walked up to me. "Sat nighty, night, Star" Felix said as he stabbed me and I fell to the ground.

Felix and another boy left while I laid there, my eyes got heavy, and the last thing I heard was Henry shouting "no, let me go, let me go".

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