Once Upon A Time Ch. 14

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Chapter 14


We landed close by the water on the sandy grass, next to the water. "So how does it feel to be one of the strongest people in the world with magic" I asked Peter who was still in the air. "Amazing" Peter said and flew around in circles with a smile as I laughed. He flew up to me "do you remember when I first taught you how to fly" he landed on the ground in front of me and looked at me.

"How could I forget" I said with a smile and Hooked our hands together. "It was one of the best moments of my life" Peter had a smile on his face that you could get lost in. His eyes read, evil, on them but for me it was always something different. It was love. I smiled at him and kissed him as he kissed me back. His kiss was perfect and warm.

He pulled away from me and smiled at me as I smiled at him. Pan reached in his pocket and handed me a small box "here, take this to that tree I showed you when you first came here" Peter said to me. "What is it" I asked taking it "it was something that was used to trap me, but now Rumple is the one that's trapped in it".

I shook my head okay and toasted it in the air, catching it "I have something for you" Peter said to me. "What is it" I asked him confused as he reached inside of a tree and pulled out a small dress that was loose and zing sagged at the bottom. It was about knee length and was tied around my neck.

"Oh my god, it's beautiful" I said taking it as he told me to close my eyes and I did. After about a minute he told me to open them and I did. I had the dress on with black flats to match the dress and my hair braided at the top and pulled into a ponytail. I was silent; shocked at how I looked "wow" was all I could say.

"I'll be right back, I promise" Peter said and kissed me before flying off back to the cave. I watched him fly off before turning around to go to the tree.


Emma, Neal, and Regina came back with Henry "where's Bailey" I asked them "I'm sorry" Mary said to me. "What happen" I asked them "she didn't want to come back, she told us that you were a great father but she loves Pan" Emma said. "No she wouldn't" I said not believing it. "It's true, she's not your little girl anymore, she chose Pan over us, she stood there and did nothing while Henry gave his heart to Pan" Regina said mad.

"Don't you talk about her like that" I said about to go up to her but Mary held me back. "David, calm down, we'll get her back" Mary said, we all talked to the lost boys and they told us were Pan would be. We found out that we could kill Pan.

Emma, Regina, and Mary went after Pan while the rest of us got the lost boys on the ship and Henry to go home.

Peter Pan

I saw Emma, Regina, and Mary walk by my tree and reach for the box that I had sitting on a rock. They were quickly pulled to the tree and attach to it, "you really think I would leave this sitting just anywhere" I said to them with a smile. "What are you doing here" Emma asked me "see this tree is very important to me, it has memories to it that I never want to forget" I said touching the tree.


Bailey and Peter kiss.

Laying around and talking while laughing

"This tree protects me from people like you" I said pointing to them as they tried to get out.


I helped get Henry onto the ship but heard a noise come from the woods; I took a few steps in the woods and looked around. Until I saw Bailey standing there "Bailey" I said with a smile "dad" she said and ran over to me, hugging me. "I'm sorry for everything" she said to me "it's fine, it's okay, we're leaving, and we're going home" she shook her head and we got on the ship.

We waited for everyone until they finally got on the ship, but the second Regina saw Bailey she started to make her choke. "What are you doing" "she stood there and did nothing when Henry gave his heart to Pan" Regina said mad. "Listen we can worry about this later right now let's just rescue Henry" Emma said as she sighed. Regina let Bailey go as I knelt down next to her.

I looked up and saw Gold "where have you been" I asked him "stuck in a box" Mr. Gold said as Regina put Henry's heart in him. We waited a few seconds until he took a deep breath and opened his eyes. We all sighed with relief "you should rest" Regina said as she pulled away from hugging Henry. "I think he has earned to stay in the captain's quarters" Hook said as Regina went to put him in bed.

"What happen" Bailey asked Mary "we were able to get the box, let Gold out, and now he's trapped in it" Mary said and went to put her stuff down.


"What happened" I asked Mary walking up to her "we were able to get the box, let Gold out, and now he's trapped in it" she said and went to put her stuff down. I was silent "I'm sorry" David said to me as I turned and looked at him "its okay" I said. "Next stop, Storybrooke" Hook said as Neil let go of Pans shadow and Regina was able to control it so we could fly out of here.

I walked into were Henry laid as Regina had already left "hey" I said as he looked up at me "hi" Henry said. I sighed holding my hands behind my back "I'm sorry, I never wanted all of this". Henry shook his head "I know you did and I forgive you, you were tricked by Pan just like I was". "I have some bad news" I said to Henry "what" Henry asked.

I put my hands in front of me as his eyes grew wide when he saw the small box that held Pan in my hands. "It wasn't a trick" I said and opened the box, letting out a green smoke and there was Pan. Pan looked around until he saw Henry "I'm sorry Henry I didn't want it to end like this" Pan said as Henry tried to back up. All of a sudden I heard a noise "I'm sorry" I said to Pan. "Help" I called out as Regina and Gold came running down the steps into the room.

Gold quick grabbed the box and trapped Pan in it but not without a struggle. "What happened" Regina asked Henry as he looked at me "he appeared out of nowhere, Bailey tried to stop, but couldn't". We all went up deck as Henry walked over to Felix and talked to him. I saw the look of shock on his face and a smile.

I stood over the edge watching the water and the sky as we flew over it. Henry walked over to me, standing next to me. "You know I didn't say anything because I didn't want you to get in trouble, I knew they would kill you". I sighed and continued to look forward. "I know, you always have protected me" I said and looked at Henry "Peter Pan" I said as Henry looked at me with an evil smile.

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