Wheres the time ??

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My exams are in a month and my school is going crazy with tests. In 4 days I have had 8 tests and there are more; also we have a play coming up and since I am an art student I have to stay till 7:00pm to paint the sets. And when I get home is late and I have to finish my school home work and I'm too tired to exercise or to even climb the stairs. And it makes me sad because I really want to exercise but where's the time ?
And the worst part is because of the tests I'm stress eating 😭
But then I realised...exercising makes me less stressed so even if I give 30 mins of hardcore exercises and find healthier options I could still continue!! For example
Instead of my 45min run..I run for 30 mins and whenever I take my dog for a walk I'll run up the stairs. In my break i will do this:-

it's on Pinterest and there are so many 3-5 minutes work out

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it's on Pinterest and there are so many 3-5 minutes work out..by doing this I can study and exercises !!
(Pinterest is very helpful..I recommend creating a board for weight loss and you can find so many exercises, diets, tips and tricks to help lose weight)
And for food
Instead of eating cakes and chocolates and sweet stuff - Greek yogurt is and amazing, healthy and tasty alternative.
Tbh I find it much better than cake 🙈
You can top it with fruits and nuts and honey or granola or oats and lots of stuff and it will be amazing.

If I'm craving savoury than egg whites are really healthy

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If I'm craving savoury than egg whites are really healthy...it's a bit heavy but it's the best thing I could think of.
You can make boiled eggs or scrambled or omelette and it will be filling and healthy.
So whoever is going through the same thing as me please do not neglect the healthier lifestyle because of studies or no time .. Find time do whatever you can ...trust me you will feel so much better ❤️
Okay bye gotta run ! (Like literally..I'm going running now)

Bdw I can't reply to your messages because there is something wrong with my email but thanks for the good wishes and I'll try to reply 😊❤️

(Edit from future me)
It's okay to prioritise other things. Remember, your weight isn't that important, your health is. If you're stressed it's okay if you don't work out but stress can affect the body's immunity so eat healthy and if you want to get your body moving I'd recommend yoga or even just dancing around in your room!

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