Small things - my first week

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People can be nice.
I was running and I was exhausted and I was probably gonna stop. I began walking when a man motivated to me to continue to jog. He told me to never stop.
I know it's a small thing but this gave me so much motivation for some reason. This man who doesn't even know me motivated me. It made me so happy.
So I have been working harder. I climb stairs daily and follow my diet and exercise regularly. Whenever possible I try to work out. I have started to love exercise.
And I started to notice changes . My face and my stomach have slimmed down. After 5 years of hating my body I finally noticed small changes...and it made me so so happy; and it made me realise that if one week can make so much of a difference than I can probably get to my goal weight in 100 days.
Then my family and friends started to tell me that I look thinner. It gave me the confidence to wear a tight shirt and it looked so amazing on me and I felt beautiful.
These small things encouraged me , motivated me and made me feel confident. It makes me think of so much more I can do. If you know someone who is going through the same journey, you need to know that these things help us so much.
I know it's a slow process but I know at the end it will be worth the wait.
Things that I have been doing :
Running :-
Walk for 5 minutes
5 minutes cool down
Stairs :-
Whenever possible
Following diet:-
No. Of cheat meals : 2 ( hopefully next time 0)

MY WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY Where stories live. Discover now