Things I've been doing wrong

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So these are the things that have either stopped me from loosing weight or made it much harder. These things are really small but they have a huge impact and now that I have realised it I can completely change it.

1. No continuity

Every time I have started the journey I end up stopping for one reason or another. Sometimes I don't have a choose like for example I have an exam or some other important work. I do not give a chance to my body to adjust to the work out or diet.

2. Not enough water

I should be having at least 3l of water every day. I think it's mainly because I just forget to have water ( I know it sounds stupid) so I've put reminders on my phone and I'm finding it really help full
Water will help with detox
It also helps people like me who often feel hungry but it's not because I haven't eaten.
It's better that I drink water instead of binge eating unhealthy food.

3. Exercise and diet

I honestly haven't got time to properly exercise which irritates me. i have been going for daily runs and been climbing stairs  which is not enough. that is only for maintaining weight. Im going to start "my workout" (ch.12) again with a few changes that i will edit there.

4. Just one more day

this is a really annoying cycle of me waking up in the morning deciding I'm gonna do something in the evening; what I'm gonna eat and everything.. but then i end up being lazy and end up not doing it and just saying that I'm gonna do it the next day.

the same goes for food. i eat something and i regret it and then i say I'm gonna start my strict diet the next day but the same thing happens again and again.

5. eating in front of the tv

i dont concentrate on what I'm eating, i end up feeling hungry and just eat more.

for people who don't understand this is basically like .. when you are hearing music but you don't concentrate and you end up missing your favourite part so you replay the whole song again.

6. depth?

i don't know how to say this .. I'm not doing as much i need to do. the work out and weight loss I'm doing is rough and i need to sharpen it. although this seems complex, i need o see how many calories i eat and how much i need to loose. i need to be even more serious about my weight loss.

7. the atmosphere around me

loosing weigh is not easy .. but it can be made. to do this we need other peoples help and it is okay to ask for help. its okay to go to a dietician or a trainer. there are times when you have to realise (not give up!!!!) that getting the right kind of help is the best thing to do.. and you have to make this decision on your own.

i have still not reached that stage where i need other peoples help, yet. but what I've realised it that i need people to support me. my parent are one of those people who just give me things (which takes me back to number 4) where they say.. one more is not gonna do any thing. it does! i need to get rid of temptations. i need to fill my atmosphere with fruit and veggies and get rid of all the things that is gonna slow my process.

also its not necessary that you need to buy work out clothes or gear, however, it really does help. it gives you that push.. I've spend so much money on all of this i might as well use it. I find that it motivates me.

8. Time

I think this is the most important reason why I'm not loosing weight. I set goals for myself with a particular time limit which is completely unrealistic and put so much pressure on myself to completely it ( 100 days challenge) that in the middle of it I just give up and end up putting on more weight. In those days I have exams and exhibitions so it's hard for me to find time.

some videos that help

hope this helps

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