Drink up

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The solution to pollution is dilution. The water flushes the toxins out of your body.. makes you sweat more and keeps you full
When you feel hungry (edit: IF YOU FEEL HUNGRY PLEASE EAT THIS IS REALLY BAD ADVICE IM SORRY) instead of binging on chips or cookies or even a sandwich.. why unnecessarily eat extra?? You are either hungry because you are bored or just wanna eat something ... just drink a glass of water to keep yourself full.
But do not use this method to avoid food. Eat at the right time and eat healthy.

It's always better to start the day with fresh juice. Not the bottle ones that are filled with preservatives..not good.
Juice is healthy
Juice it good

Every day after working out I drink coconut water. It is the most effective on me .. I flush out all my toxins and I feel more healthy and more fresh.
Having fruit infuse water is also a way to spice things up if you want.
But having liquid is the most important thing to remember while loosing weight.

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