3 steps forward, 2 steps back

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After the first sign of my weight loss...nothing else has been happening. I have been exercising and eating better. But it's not enough.
Let's start with eating. I'm gonna put it this way.. I'm eating like how I would eat when I become thin and want to remain thin. Obviously losing weight is much harder than maintaining weight. I need to step up my diet majorly..eat more fruits and drink more water
No bread
Egg yolk
Sugar in my drinks
I remember someone had told me that the size of your stomach is as big as your fist ...so I'm gonna literally measure my food like that ...if I happen to go out with my friends and the only food given is pizza ( and you can't say no to pizza because pizza is pizza..and it's rude to say no to it) i will only have half a slice ..i know people will judge me but who cares ...lets see what they will say when I have a hot body ;p
I like to follow some healthy food Instagram account like :-

lets see what they will say when I have a hot body ;p I like to follow some healthy food Instagram account like :-

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Source: @lenacjg on Instagram
( my favourite and most inspiring person)

Source: @lenacjg on Instagram ( my favourite and most inspiring person)

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Source: http://www

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Source: http://www.heavenlynnhealthy.com/category/breakfast/
Instagram: @heavenlynnhealthy

And now working out
Swimming is the best thing to help you loose weight...and I really wanna go but the only pool available is far away and because of my exams I seriously don't have the time ..
I'm running
Running up the steps
And exercises
But it is not helping
And plus I'm running on concrete ..I'm gonna get arthritis!!
I need my exams to get over because I think that swimming is the only thing that's gonna help me loosen up.

(Edit from future me)
IT TAKES TIME. I know you see a lot of drastic before and afters in 3-4 months but remember that every body is different. If you aren't losing weight quick that's your body's capacity so don't push it! As long as you stay persistent results will show.
It's okay to have rice, egg yolk etc but you gotta balance it!

MY WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY Where stories live. Discover now