C H A P T E R 1 - If Only

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Breathing in deeply while taking in the scent of all the lilies, carnations and other flowers that surrounded me. Staring up at the vast blue sky watching clouds float by. I sat up on the grass just enjoying myself. Personally I've always liked spending time outside, it made me feel free. As if nothing could hold me back. Just as I was about to stand up, I heard my mothers voice call me. I forced myself up, knowing it was a little hard since I had been lying there for a while. Running back to the house I couldn't help but smile, for today was a special day. My birthday, as of now I am seven. Bursting through the house doors my enthusiastic spirit drew attention to me.

"Happy Birthday (Name)!" mother and father said in unison.

"Thanks" I said while smiling.

"Go on and wash up, dinner will be ready soon." Mother told me.

I nodded and went upstairs. After washing my hands, my older brother walked out of his room.

"Hey! there's the birthday girl!" my brother called out as he pulled me into a hug.

"Come on let's go eat, (Name)." he said.

"OKAY!" I replied with my excitment increasing.

We all gathered at the table and ate dinner, while everyone talked about their day. After the delicous meal, my mother said the few words that made my eyes glimmer with excitement.

"Who's ready for dessert!"

"OOO I AM!!!" I shouted

My mother walked in with a homemade cake, while my father and brother brought out gifts they had for me. I immediately stuffed my face with cake, it was so GOOD! My family stared at me in amzement.

"Why don't you go ahead and open your gift sweetheart?" my father said kindly.

"M'kay" I say with my mouth full, crumbs falling off of my face.

"Here you go" said father while handing me the present.

Quickly opening the box I realized it was filled with cool ninja tools. Including special kunai that were able to amplify my lighting style chakra. Although I was only seven, I could fight a little. Being out doors allowed me to train constantly, so I was quite skilled for my age. Looking up at father I thanked him.

"Alright now this one" said mother giving me a box. Opening the box quickly like I did the last. I saw that my mother had given me a new pair of black gloves. These were meant to help me when fighting using taijustu.

"Mother they're nice...but"

"But what?" she asked looking at me worriedly.

"It's just, they're too big."

"Oh, don't trouble yourself over that, you'll grow into them." mother said smiling.

After thanking her, I turned my head to look at my brother.

"What cha staring at me for?" said big brother.

"You know why, didn't you get me anything?!"


"Oh, okay" I said looking down.

"I'm just messing with you (Name). How could I not get my little sister something on her birthday?"

I freaking hated when my brother played with me like that.

'Why does he always have to do that to me.' I thought to myself.

"Hold out your hand" he told me

Placing my hand out in front of me, I felt something cold touch my skin. To my surprise it was a beautiful silver necklace. The pendant showed two tilted squares made to look like diamonds overlapping eachother, from top to bottom. This also just happened to be our clan symbol.

Running to give my brother a hug, I told him I loved it. He told me that as long as I have that nacklace, he would always be with me. No matter where I went.

"I love you all" I state looking at my family.

Remembering that day I noticed how much I missed moments like that. Being surrounded by those who love me, but now knowing that all of it was taken from me. I have nothing left, nothing to live for, why am I even still alive? What did I do to deserve this?

If only there were more moments like that...

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