C H A P T E R 11 - Missing

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I hear footsteps, someone's carrying me? Who is it? I can't move, something's wrong. What happened to me? Just then I feel a lingering pain at the back of my head.


I remember now! I got hit then blacked out. I'm conscious now, so how come I can't move? Could someone have cast an immobilizing jutsu on me? No, no, no!!! How could this be happening to me?! I didn't do anything. Besides why would anyone want to kidnap me?

'Serves me right for walking around late at night.'

That's besides the point, where am I? Slowly lifting my head I see I'm being carried over some-body's shoulder. I look at my surroundings to try and see if I can identify my location. Nothing looks familiar, I'm being taken through some random forest. Turns out its not just one guy. I see a women with short dark hair and another guy with long hair. So it's not just one person, but three who've decided to kidnap me.

That's not even the worst part. The badest thing about this situation is that I can't do anything. I don't have my pouch filled with weapons. Not to mention I can't preform jutsu, because my hands are tied behind my back. I mean, I'm still in my pajamas for crying out loud! This is ridiculous, I can't even help myself and I'm a ninja!


(Naruto) P.O.V


I instantly wake up once I feel myself fall off my bed. Lazily pulling myself off the floor, I check to see what time it is. It's early in the afternoon. I had slept in...again. While walking into the kitchen I try to rub the last of sleep away from my eyes. Pouring water into the kettle, I set it on the stove waiting for it to heat up. Stepping out I quickly change into my regular clothes. I adjust my leaf headband and go back into the kitchen. I pour the now heated water into my ramen cup and begin to eat.

'Mmm, nothing like ramen for breakfast.'

Once I finish, I leave the apartment being sure to lock my door. As I'm walking through the village, I can't help but think about (Name) as I make my way over to her place. I had plans to spend the whole day with her. Sometimes I still can't believe that (Name) is my girlfriend. Just knowing that I actually get to call her mine is the best feeling in the world. Now I can't imagine being without her.

Getting to (Name's) apartment, I knock on her door expecting to see the bright smile I love so much. I stand there for a few minutes before knocking again.

'Is she not home?'

I take a peek through her window but don't see anyone. I leave thinking maybe she went to go train, but when I get to the training grounds, no ones around. That's strange if (Name's) not home then she's usually here.

I turn around and head to Sakura's house. Maybe she knows where (Name) is. On my way there I send out three shadow clones to go and look for (Name). I'm starting to get a little worried. Reaching the pinkette's home I quickly knock on the door. I stand there and wait impatiently before someone comes to the door.

"Naruto? What are you doing here?" Sakura asks me.

"Have you seen (Name)? I've been looking but can't seem to find her" I say.

"Well, no. I actually haven't seen (Name) since yesterday."

"Okay, well thanks anyway Sakura" I tell her before running off.

Afterward I realize that my shadow clones are still searching, so I release the jutsu. When doing that my clones's memories come back to me and I see they weren't able to find (Name)! They looked everywhere. Ichiraku, the academy, the dango shop, the hospital, even the cemetery!

'Where could she be?!'

I jump on top of the roof of buildings in search for (Name). Although it seems my efforts were in vain, because no matter where I looked (Name) wasn't there. While looking I came across Hinata, Kiba, and Akamaru...and Shino. Jumping off the building I land in front of them panting. Knowing I've been running around everywhere.

"H-hi Naruto" Hinata says shyly.(as usual)

"Naruto? What do you want?" Kiba says.

*Pant* "I've been looking for (Name) all day." *Pant* "Have you guys seen her?" I ask out of breath.

"I haven't" Kiba says bluntly, while Akamaru gives out a bark.

"No" Shino says quietly.

"I h-haven't seen (Name) either. L-let me see if I can find her with my byakugan" Hinata suggests.

"Okay" I say

Hinata jumps on top of a roof to get a better view of the village, then activates her byakugan. After about five minutes Hinata comes back down.

"So, were you able to find (Name)?" I ask

"N-naruto is (Name) on a mission at the m-moment" she says.

"No, if (Name) was on a mission I'm pretty sure she would tell me, why?"

"When I looked for her with my byakugan, I couldn't see (Name's) chakra anywhere."

"What are you saying Hinata?"

"(Name)... she's not in the village."

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