C H A P T E R 2 - Dark Past, New Hope

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Feeling my consciousness come back to me, I notice I'm now awake. I can only see darkness, well that's normal since my eyes are still closed. The weight of lifting my eye lids feels heavy. Forcefully getting them open I'm only greeted with more darkness. My eyes adjust to the dim light in my small confinement. I've woken up to the same dim light yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, and the day before that. I've been doing this for the past nine years of my life.

What else could I do, it's not like I could go anywhere. Being connected to a chained wall really limits your movement of space. Right now I am six-teen, and I was captured by Orochimaru at the age of seven. I still remember that day clearly. It all happened so fast, apparently Orochimaru had an interest in my clan. Which was the Tsuko clan, more specifically he wanted information about our clans ability.

A unique ability similar the sharingan, but better in a way. It was our visual prowess jutsu known as the inostuka. Not only could the inostuka sence chakra, cast genjutsu, and hypnotize its opponent, but could also read the minds of others. Allowing the user to see what their enemies are thinking and react before they get the chance to.

Although our eyes weren't the only thing that made the Tsuko clan special. It was also our chakra. Our chakra was very stong, and allowed injuries made to body heal quickly. Knowing this, Orochimaru wanted what we had.

He attacked my village in the dead of night. No one had seen it coming. Watching everyone I knew being slaughtered right in front of me. Their screaming cries carved into the back of my mind, I can still hear them. Mother, father, brother, everyone and everything I knew was gone. The place I once called home burned to nothing but piles of ash.

The only ones who made it were myself and few others Orochimaru decided to keep as test subjects. Years passed and Orochimaru conducted experiment after experiment. Untill I was the only one left. He left me alive, thinking the DNA within me was too precious to waste, in one of his reckless experiments.

So here I am now. With nothing but the nacklace my brother gave me, oh so long ago. Being here as long as I have, I feel myself falling deeper, with the grasp of drakness. Growing up to only know sorrow, pain, and torment. It was moments like these when I wish I could end it all. End my suffering, end my grief, end...my life.

Naruto's P.O.V (Point of View)

Running through the dry-desert-like field, we zeroed in on Orochimaru's hide out. With Sakura beside me and captin Yamato in front leading the way. Finally reaching our location, we entered the hide out.

Once we found Sai and got him on our side of the situation, everyone split up in order to find Sasuke. After all this time, here we are.

'Sasuke, I will find you.'

Searching endlessly, door after door. I was starting to get impatient.

"Damn it, where are you SASUKE!"


Suddenly hearing an explosion coming from one side of the hide out. Quickly turning on my heel, I immediately run straight to where i heard the loud noise. Turning down an endless array of corners. I see a hole in the wall at the end of a long corridor. Sun shining through it. Reaching the end of it I see Sakura, she's looking at something...or someone.

There, right before my very eyes stood Sasuke Uchiha. Seeing him after all this time, it was hard to believe. Although in the end it didn't even matter, as I watched Sasuke vanish. Once again he slipped right through my fingers. I'm always too late. Being close, yet feeling so far away.

Looking down at the ground everyone was quiet. Untill captin Yamato broke the silence.

"There's nothing in this hide out and Sasuke is gone. Let's report back to the Leaf village."

Everyone including myself nodded. As we walk back in the we came, I suddenly hear something. The sound came from one of the many doors in the hide out. It sounded like metallic rattling.

(Name) P.O.V

Hearing all of this commotion outside, I wanted to know what was going on. So getting up I tried moving towards the door, but my chains wouldn't let me get close enough. Giving up I sat in a corner, my back facing the wall.

The next thing I heard really surprised me. It was the sound of my door opening! Watching four figures enter. One was a male he had brown hair and was wearing a green type jonen vest. The other male was younger than the first, he had smooth black hair and alluring dark eyes. There was a girl, and she had pink hair and light emerald green eyes.

The last person my eyes landed on was a blonde boy with spikey hair. He wore an orange and black type jumpsuit. Although, the thing that captivated me about him were his eyes. Never had I seen such beautiful eyes before. They were the perfect shade of azure blue.

I couldn't pull myself away from his gaze. Looking at him I felt this weird sensation, a feeling of longing. I can't really discribe it. Something about this boy was different.

Who...is he?

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