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Percy's POV

Of course I could hear the whispers.......Quiet but still audible.......

"Did you hear...."

"Left girfiend..."

"Smashed necklace.."

"Not even a goodbye..."

I sighed listening to these gossips as I walked towards the beach. Do they think I can't hear them? I know i didn't say goodbye to Annabeth.....But she doesn't deserve it...She didn't even try to protest against her mother.........And she didnt take the necklace either. I thought as I sat on the soft sand staring at the perfect sunset mocking me on the horizon. So beautiful....How can such a beautiful thing even exist at a time like this? It's not fair.....I heard footsteps. A tiny part of me hoped it was Annabeth but the rest of me argued against it and won. I sighed and turned around and I had absolutely no clue who this girl was. I mean...She was pretty....Not Annabeth pretty...SHUT UP BRAIN! Anyways...She had straight black hair tumbling down her shoulders, white eyes, and an athletic figure. She wore all black and sort of reminded me of Thalia with long hair and white eyes. Does that mean you think Thalia's pretty? WHAT DID I JUST SAY?! SHUT UP!!!! She smiled and sat next to me. I raised my eyebrow.

"Uhh....." I said

"Well arent you a man of many words...." She giggled. Ther was something off about it though, it wasnt an Aphrodite giggle. No...It was more forced than that. Plus her smile didnt travel to her eyes. No need to be so paranoid. I AM GOING TO DUCT TAPE YOUR IMAGINARY MOUTH CLOSED AND THEN STAPLE IT! 

"Uhh...Who're you?" I asked.

"Oh! I'm new here. Im Inez, daughter of Hades." She smiled sweetly. Definitly something wrong here....Hades kids are NOT this perky....

Oh stop being so suspisious......ALRIGHT IM DONE WITH YOU BRAIN! WHERE'S THE DUCT TAPE?!

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