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Annabeth's POV


I was about to open the door to my room when Mavis rushed out of the room across from mine and squealed. "ANNABETH COME HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!" she dragged me into her room so fast i almost blacked out. When i regained my senses I looked around.

"Woah......" I said.

It was Mavis' dream room. Max steel and dragon posters covered the walls, a huge door leading out to a beautiful balcony, a master bed with purple blankets and a desk with three computers and a laptop, next to the desk was a giant bookshelf that went all the way up the wall, a staircase leading to who knows where, and to top it all off a flat screen TV that retracted into one of the walls. I stood in the middle of the room gawking at the sight. She smirked.

"Pretty cool huh?" She said sounding super snobby. I just rolled my eyes and picked her up. 

"Yeah it is pretty cool!" I laughed while she screamed in frustration and tried to kick me. I laughed again as i threw her onto her bed and ran up the staircase. She thundered after me and i almost shrieked. Stupid dragon speed....I continued running and opened the only door up here and ran in only to run into the person i least expected to be here. I gulped.


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