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We all sat on the throne floor staring at our mother on her throne. I felt so......weak. Being forced to be below Athena...for lack of a better term...sucked. She was giving us a speech about blah blah blah right and wrong blah blah blah be better behaved etc. etc..........Anyways, Once she was finished she told us to follow her outside the throne room. I may hate her but i am NOT going to disobey her...She's scary...I DIDNT SAY THAT! 

She took us to this large building with gold accents and beautiful columns....Focus Annabeth.....Oh gods the Architecture....FOCUS ANNABETH! OK OK IM FOCUSED! LIAR! AM NOT! ARE TOO! AM NOT! Am i really having an internal argument. YES! Grr......Done in three...Two...One...........Oh yeah...Im definitly going crazy....I sighed as we walked in but i immediately gasped. It was more beautiful on the inside than on the outside. I expected it to be a dusty library or something but no...Its a huge control center looking place. Huge computer screens towered over us. So many gadgets and buttons I honestly would have no idea how to work it...But i have to find out. I could tell everyone else was as dumb-struck as I was. 

"Follow me." Athena said smiling. She looked like she was almost skipping as she led us up a stairwell and into a large corridor lined with doors.

"One of these doors has your name on it. Inside you will find a room completely personalized to what you like and enjoy to do. You will be living here for a while so i figured you could at least be comfortable. I hope you enjoy." She said and then walked out. We all looked at eachother for a minute before Mavis took off running to find her room. We all laughed and ran to find ours. I found mine and ran my finger over my name on the door. I smiled.

Maybe this wont be so bad......

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