Im sorry.

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Percy's POV

"Percy! Earth to Percy!" Alexis said as she shook me. Im alive? But how? I looked around and pretty much every camper was surrounding me. Minus the Athena cabin. I looked past them and saw the camp in flames. Everything was burning. I looked above me and saw red smoke coming out of the windows of the big house and black blood-looking substance dripping from the walls. Alexis kept shaking me. "Percy! Whats wrong?!" She screamed. 

"Nothing! Go help the camp!" I snapped at her. She just kept shaking me. 

"Percy! Whats wrong?! I know you're awake stop messing with me!" She screamed. I was completely confused. Not like that's never happened but this was plain weird. I looked around at all the campers and realized something. I thought I knew them but something was different. Their eyes were gone, filled by black voids where if I stared into them for too long I knew I would be sucked in, Their skin was as pale as a vampires and it was flaking off in giant pieces as well as their hair coming off in wisps. I looked at their black, chipped lips that had blood dripping from them and their hands held different weapons. Knifes, swords, spears, whips, maces, you name it  one of them had it. I tried to scream but my breath was sucked out of my lungs. Breathe Percy...I thought. I dont know how. Breathe Percy! I dont know how! Breathe! I dont. Know. How! I should be dead. So why can i still sense everything? I could feel the cool breeze coming from the nearby sea and I could smell the decaying bodies of each of the campers. Whats going on?

Would you like to know Percy? A voice hissed. I tried to say yes but I couldnt. I kept trying to remember how to breathe but everything was slowly slipping away from me.

Poor poor child....Trapped in a land of fear....Poor boy. The voice laughed and the door to the big house opened. Inside was completely black but I saw a girl with golden curls step out. She looked like she didnt even see me. I tried to call out her name but she didnt look at me. She opened her mouth as if to speak but all that came out was blood, black blood. She turned her head to me and her eyes went wide and mad as she started laughing wildly. She doubled over and coughed up blood on me. I looked at my blood stained shirt and gasped as i saw my stomach. A hole had opened where most of the blood landed and It was slowly taking over my whole body, arms, legs, neck, all that was left was my head and I looked at my once beautiful girlfriend. I managed to say one last thing before the dark hole consumed  the rest of me.

"I'm sorry Annabeth." I whispered. 

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