9. This Time

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We sit, eating heavily burned steak and peppers. I smile quickly at Steve's attempt to make food.

"I don't think you're gonna get a kiss for this one," I mutter and he chuckles.

"If you wouldn't have been distracting me we'd be feasting like kings," he looks up at me through his lashes. I bite my lip and smile.

"I do appreciate it," I say in seriousness, "thank you."

"Oh, anytime. I'm sure you have a buffet every night," he laughs and shoves a chunk of charred meat into his mouth. I feel guilty. I barely eat. With a sad smile, I down some actually-not-so-burned green peppers.

"Would you like to stay over? It's already three in the morning, and I don't like the idea of you out this late," he furrows his brows and I roll my eyes.

"Okay, dad. If it's not to much of me, perhaps one night wouldn't hurt," I smile widely. I can't believe he asked. Steve actually wants me around.

"You know, you still haven't told me where you've been. You said you were attacked? But you got away? I might be missing something but-"

"I, um, fell," I say unsurely, "and hit my head," I finish my lie.

His forehead creases between is brows, deep in thought. I feel bad for lying.

"Okay," he whispers, "and I prefer babe." A smile spreads smoothly onto his face. I mirror his, tilting my head to the side and squinting.

"Want to watch a movie? I have a whole list in this book I carry around. People tell me things I've- well, we've- missed over 70 years."

I'm glad he included me. That was very thoughtful.

"Yeah, I'd love to. That's pretty smart, Steve. What do you have on there?" I ask, peering over his shoulder to catch a glimpse.

"Well, the first thing that isn't crossed out is Jurassic Park," he pauses, pondering what it could be about, "hm."

"What are we waiting for?" I ask, my excitement too hard to put a lid on.

He grins at me, and turns on something called Netflix. I find myself staring at the large, sleek, and flat television and comparing it to my small boxy 12-incher at home.

In the time I daze off, Steve already has the title screen up. It's about dinosaurs apparently. I take a seat on the end of the sofa, and Steve on the other. For some reason I'm kind of sad, but I don't say anything.

Throughout the movie, I steal glances at Steve. I even snapped a picture when he was smiling at a big pile of dino shit. I'm growing restless, not really interested in the movie anymore. I find myself studying his sharp features. His slanted nose that's stands on end. His bright eyes shielded by long blonde lashes. His full lips that curve in the most dangerous way. I clench my jaw and turn back to the screen. It's now on the end credits and I clear my throat.

"Good movie," I say and he turns to me.

"Didn't think you caught any of it, spending all that time staring at me," he smirks a shit-eating grin. My face flushes a raspberry red and fumble for words.

"You- no, I-"

"Just joking around, buddy," he reaches over and slaps my knee. My face flashes with twenty emotions at the contact. The gut instinct of flinching back takes over. Steve's face looks sad.

"Right, sorry. I'll take it slow," he smiles sadly. I feel bad.

"Hey, Steve?"


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