23. Headaches

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My head is blurry. Really blurry. I knew this would happen. I knew I couldn't stay me for long.

Steve's arms are wrapped around my chest, practically dragging me through the streets. I notice we aren't heading home and wonder where he's taking me. I don't know what's happening. My head is hurting. Really badly. I can barely put one foot in front of the other. All I do is focus on my breathing and listen to Steve mutter encouraging words ensuring we will be okay.

Before I know it, I'm stepping in to Stark Tower.

"Hello? Where's Tony? Hello?" Steve and I stumble into the main lobby and he directs the receptionist.

"Sir, I'm sorry, you can't-"

"I'm Captain America! I sure as hell can!" He yells and storms to the elevator. The woman goes to dial security but a short and quirky brunette pops out from a side conference room.

"Woah, woah, it's fine. Steve? What's wrong? Bucky? Oh, God, what-"

"Tony, thank God, it's Buck, he's.. he's.." Steve's voice cracks.

A sharp pain shoots into my left temple and I let out a loud yell as I feel it pound into my brain.

Tony nods and lifts his arms up, snapping his fingers two times and positioning his legs apart. A suit comes flying from all around the room, clicking into place all over his body. The vase on the coffee table, the picture frame on the south wall, the complimentary pens in baskets, all parts of his suit. I wonder if he has one hidden on every level like that. Within seconds, he's fully armored and his hands wrap around me, pulling me from Steve.

"Woah, what-"

"Fastest way to the labs. Sorry, Cap, you're stuck with the elevator."

With that, I'm carried like a bride out of the building, then rocketed up in the air with Tony. We land on a dock and he runs into the top lab, sitting me in a chair.

"Bucky, look at me," he mutters, holding up some small cylinder. I shake my head and breathe through my mouth, focusing my eyes on his. My head is searing now, the pain non-stop. I clench my fist and tears fall. Tony's face flashes over with uncensored worry. He rushes over to a large white monitor and taps a few buttons.

"Jarvis, run a quick scan. I don't care to be in the room. Upload the images as soon as they're developed," then he rushes back over to me and hovers, not touching me until Jarvis assures the scans are done.

"Tony! Bucky!" I hear a call that's unmistakably Steve. He bursts through the door a few seconds later with worry etched all over his face. He rushes over to me and cups my face, "Buck? Oh God, he's worse. Tony!"

"I'm trying, Rogers! Back off!" Tony bursts out. He obviously regrets it as soon as it comes out of his mouth, but there's so much buzzing energy in the room he just moves in between Steve and I.

Steve sends him daggers with his eyes, but shuts his mouth. Their attention is directed to me just as another shriek leaves my body.

"Put me to sleep," I beg, tears clouding my vision as I focus on what I think is Tony, "please, please," I cry, clutching my head in my hands. It's like someone is covering my ears with their hands as we go under the ocean, or high into the mountains, where your eyes bulge out and your ears pop. It's like my brain is melting in my head. It's like someone is taking a sledgehammer and repeatedly swinging it right into my temples. This is one of the most painful moments of my life.

Tony shakes his head and I can even hear him gulp, "Bucky, I don't know what that would do at this point-"

"Scans complete," a robotic voice echoes throughout the empty floor and Tony hurries over to the nearest screen.

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