21. Stop Being A Baby

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Steve's bed is comfortable. Very comfortable. It's like it's holding me. I open my eyes and realize that I'm actually lying on top of Steve, and then chuckle lowly before closing my eyes again and holding him tighter.

I sigh contently and sit up, straddling his thighs. He groans in protest and reaches up to pull me back down. I leave kisses down his torso and look up at him to see his baby blues watching me contently.

"You're beautiful," he mutters, his voice low and gravelly. I blush and bite my lip, smiling. He smiles back and heaves himself up to cradle me, squeezing me into him protectively. Our bare skin pushes together and I find butterflies in my stomach at the contact.

"You're mine, do you hear me? No one else gets you. You're with me," he mutters into my neck and I close my eyes tightly, remembering similar words being said to me by HYDRA. I shake my head. This is different.

"Steve?" I ask as he kisses my torso repeatedly.


"Why is everyone afraid of me?"

His kisses stop and his shoulders slump. I watch him as he picks his face up to match mine, "no one is afraid of you, Bucky."

"Yes they are. People on the streets avoid me. Even if they don't know who I am," I frown, searching his eyes. They're full of sorrow and guilt. I want to kiss him, but I need answers.

His right hand reaches up and sits on my cheek, his thumb running over my lips. I pull my bottom one in between my teeth and watch his eyes focus on it, his thumb pulling on my chin to release my lip with a small pop. His eyes are hazy with lust. They shoot back up to mine and he shakes his head.

"Everyone is like that. Everyone is afraid of everyone here. Times aren't the same, Buck. People are mean now. Men jump women and children on the daily. It's not your fault they are frightened."

"But I won't hurt them," I frown and furrow my brows. I can see his eyes fill with raw grief.

"I know, baby, but people assume things," his voice is shaky, "I know you won't hurt them," his eyes are filling with tears. He hugs me into him and rests his head in the crook of my neck, "I know you won't."

I study his face. His eyes are watery and sad. His mouth is in a hard frown. Why is he so upset? I'm just asking a question.

I pull away and wipe his tears, "don't be sad, the only person I need is you," I confess and he closes his eyes.

"My legs are going numb," he smiles and I roll my eyes.

"Way to ruin the moment," I chuckle and move off of him, "what do you want for brea-" he interrupts me with a groan.

"Calm down on the cooking thing. Do you want to just go out today? It saves the hassle," he starts pulling on jeans. I watch from the bed and let my eyes travel dangerously up and down his thighs.

"Eyes front, soldier," Steve smirks and I bite my lip, locking eyes with him and nodding.

"Fine," I stand and trudge over to the floor where I have a pair of light tan trousers. I sneakily stalk over to the dresser when Steve isn't looking and grab a white shirt with some logo for something on it. It smells like him.. and it's soft. I pull it over my head and start lacing up my sneakers.

"Oh, are we that type of couple now?" He giggles and I look up and see his arms folded over his striped-pullover clad chest. A smirk plays on his face as I sit below him and I cock a brow.

I stand up and we are face to face, his eyes turn dark and daring, as if I were an enemy he'd go to war against. No wonder he is a captain, this look alone is enough to make an entire country piss it's pants. I swallow lightly and put on my best hard look.

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