18. Sorrow and Understanding

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You'd think after all those years in the ice Steve would be used to the cold. Nope. He's sitting under thirty blankets on the couch making me make him hot chocolate. I huff and roll my eyes as I wait for it to cool down enough to bring to him. Wouldn't want princess to get hurt.

"Yay!" He cheers as I hand him his mug. The television is playing an old show that Steve loves. How I Met Your Mother. I like it as well. Barney is my favorite. Or maybe Marshall.

"Hush. You're just gonna let me freeze?" I mutter as I fold myself into a ball to preserve warmth. He smirks at me and lifts his arm, lifting the blankets as well. I scoot under them and he puts his arm back down. It rests across my lap and I flush, sipping on my extremely chocolatey beverage. He gives my thigh an amble squeeze and I try focus my attention on the show.

It's the episode where they discover Barney has a new level of drunk. The truth level. I giggle as he rambles on about ring bears. My mug is empty long before I want it to be so I grab Steve's. I made the damn thing anyway.

He pouts as I sip it and I chuckle, shuffling into his side. He's like a human heater.. and he smells good. That's always a bonus.

"Later today at Stark Tower there's a party. I told them I wouldn't go because I thought maybe you'd want to stay in, but I should ask. Do you want to go?" Steve whispers in the silence a few episodes later.

"Yeah, okay," I look up at him and smile. His eyes are full of twenty different emotions. He leans down and sets his lips against my forehead. I sigh and turn my attention back to the screen.


"Do I really have to dress up?" I pout and Steve chuckles, peaking his head out of the closet.

"Yes! It's a charity gala!"

I huff and he throws one of his suits at the bed. It's navy blue with a black undershirt. I think of Steve in it and immediately get flustered.

"Put it on," he calls from his massive closet and I cock a brow.


"Yeah, you!" He shouts and I frown.


He comes out minutes later with a light grey three piece with a red tie. I bite my lip and look up at him.

"You look dashing," I whisper as he stalks over to me. He's wearing some sort of expensive cologne, I almost melt. His chest touches mine, his nose against my forehead.

"Why aren't you dressed?" He mutters and I smirk, walking over to the bed where my outfit lies. Quickly, I lift off my tee shirt and hear Steve gasp behind me. It's like fuel to keep going. I turn to him and pull the string on my sweatpants until the tie comes undone. They sag on my hips, barely resting. I keep eye contact with him and push them down my legs. His eyes widen and he flushes. His throat is tight as he swallows. His eyes trail over my almost naked body. I chuckle and begin pulling the suit trousers up my legs.

"Who knew Captain America was gay," I mutter and feel his presence walk closer to me. I regret my decision as I'm spun around to face him. He has a stern look on his face and I giggle, breaking the tension. His face shatters into a smile and he leans down, kissing me lightly. I practically fall into him then pull away, tugging my undershirt over my shoulders.

"Button them," I say to him and his eyes widen.

"O-okay," His hands fumble forwards, shaking as he grabs the bottom button.

"Don't be nervous. It's only me," I chuckle and his eyes pierce into mine.

"Bucky I've never done this before.." He trails, "not just with a man, but ever. It's all just new, that's all," he works his way up to the next button, his fingers brushing my stomach. I groan lowly and try to keep myself together.

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