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"And do you know what Jaeyeon noona said to her?!"

You're hearing Jongin talk to his parents in the next room as you play with Taeoh. The boy has missed you greatly, now only clinging onto you and not touching his toys. You sigh deeply. You've briefly just met his parents when Jongin dragged you here. They welcomed you warmly, even telling you how much they've heard about you. And then Jongin gives you a firm kiss on the forehead before locking his parents in a room with him to hear him complain about Jaeyeon.

Taeoh ends up sleeping on your bosom despite how loud his father is yelling in the next room. You're surprised when the door opens and Jaeyee pokes her head into the room.

She looks terribly apologetic when she says, "I'm sorry about what happened back there. You're not whatever Jaeyeon said you are. I see you as my own sister and I'm very, very happy and supportive of you and Jongin. I always have been."

You don't reply and she gives you a sad smile when you hear Jaeyeon yelling as well. Jaeyee shuts the door and goes to join the family meeting. You hug Taeoh closer to you and curl up in Jongin's childhood bed as you try to fall asleep, but you can't. Their voices are too loud. 

"Jaeyeon, we didn't raise you up to be like this!" you hear a loud, booming voice shout. You assume it's their father. "We've always told you how important words are; they can either build someone up or tear them to pieces. I'm very disappointed in you." 

You start to cry again. No matter how much Jaeyeon might hate you, you don't wish to create any friction between the family members. Then you hear Jaeyee say, "I know you are protective of Jongin — we all are, he's the baby of the family. But unnie, she's the love of his life. I've never ever seen Jongin this in love."

Someone is mumbling and you can't hear them. But then Jongin speaks next, his voice still full of anger though he isn't yelling anymore. 

"Just because I didn't say anything when you treated my ex-girlfriends this way, it didn't mean that it's okay. I let you do it because I knew they weren't going to last. I thought you knew how I felt about her! Mum knows, dad knows, Jaeyee knows. Even Taeoh knows!" Jongin is frustrated when he shouts out the last sentence.

"I'm sorry!" Jaeyeon cries. "It's just that," you hear her sobbing. "There are so many girls trying to pounce on you just because you're successful—"

"She's not like that!" Jongin counters. 

"I know, but I was still doubtful... Soyou's your age and the both of you had been dating for two years, Jongin. Yet she fled when she gave birth! I just thought, 'what does this girl know about love when someone your age didn't?' You're still paying her for being Taeoh's babysitter too."

"She didn't want to take my money anymore," Jongin says defiantly, powered by the will to prove his sister wrong. "I haven't been paying her since the second month she started working for me."

"Love isn't about age, Jaeyeon-ah," their mother sighs loudly, adding on to what Jongin said. "Taeoh is merely a year old but he knows how to love. Loving someone doesn't come with age, my ignorant daughter." 

You look at Taeoh sleeping soundly in your embrace. Their mother is right. Taeoh might not even know how to speak long sentences yet, nor does he know how to count without missing a number. But there is one thing he knows since he was born and left with Jongin. And that is to love. You kiss his little head and stroke his back as you tune out of the conversation happening next door.

You don't know how long it has been before you hear the door open. You turn your head and see Jongin walking towards you, looking exhausted and frustrated. He smiles wryly as he sits on the edge of the bed next to you. 

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