It's Raining Babies?! Alleluia!

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"Thetis, c'mon!"


Thetis, and her friend, Eurynome, were swimming at the sea. They just came from Mt. Olympus and were heading back to their home. The latter was furious because Zeus, was again trying to get in her robe. "That jerk! And seriously, what the freakin' hell was with that "Wanna see my thunderbolt?" If I was his wife, I would've cut that thunderbolt already!"

Thetis giggled. "I think it was funny."

"Well you have one hell of a sense of humor! I swear if he ever tries to show that thunderbolt again-" She cupped her breasts. "I'll bring out these two, big Mt. Olympus over here and shoot out my nectar! Ratatatatatatata!"

"How about our Lord Poseidon? I saw him talking to you and with one of my nereids today."

"Ohh~ Don't get me started with him! You know what he said to the poor creature? He said "Hey babe, you want some sea cucumber with seaweed salad?" and he wiggled his freakin' eyebrows! And she took it! And you know what's worse? I was there the whole time!"

Thetis giggled again as she swam right beside her. "They really know how to make pick-up lines."

"Cheap pick-up lines! Let's just hope virgin boy's (Hades) not like his two idiotic siblings. Then again, babes will be falling from the sky when that happens!"


"Yeah! Like I said, ba-"

"No Eurynome, there is a baby falling from the sky!" exclaimed Thetis.

The titaness looked up to where her companion was pointing and saw a baby falling. "Sweet Chaos!"

"I know! We have to catch it!"

She looked at her. "That's not it! The Dark Lord has made a really bad, cheap pick-up line!"

Using the sea water around her, Thetis shot herself up into the air and caught the crying little creature. Then she gently brought them down until she was half submerged again in the water. "The poor thing! Shh~ Calm down, I got you."

"Where the hell did it come from?" asked Eurynome as she stared at the sky.

"I'm not sure...Oh look!"

Embroidered on the cloth, wrapped around the child, was a crest of a peacock.

"Sweet Chaos..." muttered Eurynome.

"Do you think...?" They both stared at one another, and then looked up.

Eurynome took a good look at the baby. "What's wrong with its face?!"

Thetis turned to him and was shocked to see the scared face. She quickly inspected him to check if there were more. "It doesn't look like he was hurt. Maybe he was born with it?"

"Born or not, we need to get rid of him." the other said as she started to swim. "Let's just leave him and get out of here!"


The titaness stopped and turned to her. "Girlfriend, someone-" She pointed to the sky. "-up there doesn't want that babe! That thing might be a danger and it was thrown down here to die! And you know how angry they get when someone messes with their business! Now drop that babe, and get your ass over here!"

She glared at her. "No! I will do no such thing! If I have to be punished then so be it! But I will not leave this poor, helpless child just to die out here!"

She was shocked. Thetis never got angry with her, and this was the first, and she hoped to be the last. "Alright, just chill. Let's give it to some nymph or something to take care of it."

She shook her head. "I will be the one to take care of him."

"Don't tell me you're planning to bring that thing with us!"

"Yes, yes I am. And stop calling him a thing!"

Eurynome rubbed her head and muttered "Sweet Chaos. I really can't persuade you. Guess I have no choice!" She went to them and asked "So, what's his name?"

Thetis only noticed some small letters under the crest. "He...phaes...tus. Hephaestus!"

"Alright then! Welcome to the family Hephaestus!" Then they heard it cough a few times. "Oh great! He's sick! Perfect!"

"He must be cold! Let's hurry and go home!"


When they were nearing the island of Lemnos, they went to the bottom of a cliff where the waves crashed. There was a high tide so Eurynome had to calm the water and they went to the opening of a cave. The beautiful grotto they lived in was large and wide. There were lights coming from the ceiling which came from the moonlight. At the middle, surrounded by water, was a small like-island where they thought would be the best for the child to stay.

Thetis went over there and looked at her friend, who was gone. "Eury?" The child started crying and she softly shushed him and began to sing,

Come stop your crying it will be all right

Just take my hand, hold it tight

I will protect you from all around you

I will be here don't you cry

For one so small, you seem so strong

My arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm

This bond between us can't be broken

I will be here don't you cry

Cause you'll be-

"Are you seriously singing to that kid?"

Thetis turned around to see the titaness pulling a wooden cradle. "And just when I was about to get to the good part."

Eurynome placed the cradle at the middle. "I found this the other day. Good thing it was still there. We'll just get him more blankets tomorrow." She saw her friend giggling. "What?"

"Nothing." She gazed at the child. "We'll both be good mothers to little Hephaestus."

"Nope. He's going to call me Auntie!"

"Alright then." She put the baby in the cradle.

The other watched the sleeping form and said in a low voice "Hey Thetis, I've been he really the son of-"

"But, why would she do this?"

"Look at his face!"


"Sheesh girl! I'm just saying!" she sighed and looked at the sleeping form. "...We're gonna be in so much trouble."

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