Holy Seat!

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Five days later...


Late in the afternoon, the messenger god can be seen flying through the sky, headed for a cliff. As he flew, he was grumbling to himself "Hermes, get this! Hermes, get that! Hermes, hide my ass! I am a freaking messenger! Not a slave! Then again, I am called the messenger of the gods..." Hermes sighed as he arrived at his destination. He looked around, and seeing no one in particular, he took out a parchment from his pouch and read it.

To the great messenger god,

Tomorrow, late in the afternoon, please come to the highest cliff of Lemnos where the sun sets. A special package will be waiting for you.

P.S. Don't uncover it you little brat!

Hermes smirked. "Oh Eury~ I know you want me, you know I want you! I know you want me, you know I want you! Even though you're so~ old!" As he started to sing and dance, he hit something hard and stumbled backwards. "Ow! What the-" He was surprised to see a large object towering in front of him, which wasn't there when he arrived. "Ok then..." He stood up and inspected it. He noticed a piece of paper and read it.

To the "Oh So Mighty" messenger god.

Take this package to her highness for it is a gift from a lowly craftsman who wishes her all.


"Hah! We'll see about that!" Hermes put down his Caduceus and tried to pull the cloth off, but he couldn't. With both of his hands, he pulled so hard that his hands slipped and made him stumble back again. "Damn! What is that?" He stood up and exclaimed "Eury! Are you serious about me carrying this all the way to Olympus?! This is not a package!" No one spoke, so he sighed, strapped his staff to his belt and muttered to himself "Sweet Chaos help me." One of the perks of being a god was having immense strength, well, to some degree. He managed to lift it up and carry it. "If only I knew it was this heavy I would have dragged Ares along! He could lift this with his finger!" He slowly rose from the ground and flew into the sunset, not noticing a hooded figure appearing on the cliff.


"Special *pant* delivery for *pant* Lady Hera!" Hermes arrived at the throne room, and he put down the large object and slumped to the floor. His body was sore from carrying that thing, and he wanted to cry. "Mommy!"

Zeus watched from his throne and asked "Hermes, what is that?"

He rolled to his back and stared at the ceiling. "I don't know. I can't pull the cover off. Someone used a crazy magic spell on it...I just want to lie down here, and die."

Suddenly, the door slammed open and Artemis quickly came in, not noticing her little brother on the floor. "Where is Herm-!" She stopped because she felt something weird under her foot. She looked down at the god who had his eyes wide open, and then her eyes went to his lower body, seeing what she was stepping on.


Her scream was heard throughout Olympus. She ran to Zeus and started to sob on his knee. "Father! Oh Father!"

"What? What is it?!"

"I'm- I'm dirtied!" she continued to sob.

Zeus cocked an eyebrow. "Huh?"

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