Revenge is Best Served with Wine

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"Hey there Jack! Ass!"

Dionysus happily greeted his donkeys as he carried Hephaestus to one of them. And why did he call them Jack and Ass?

When he got them, Ares said they were jackass, and that day forward he decided to call it Jack, and the other being Ass.

He was so lucky to have such a wonderful brother like Ares.

He put him on the back of Ass, and then he got on Jack, and they went their way. An hour later, he noticed that Hephaestus was starting to wake up and said "Hey~ You're awake! Good! Cuz' I was getting bored!"

Still drunk, Hephaestus couldn't form any coherent words.

Dionysus was thankful he still was because he would've used his wine bottle to hit his head. "So~ What should we do? We still have a few hours before arriving at the palace."



"Wa... sung..."

"Sung? Song! Of course I'll sing you a song! But, you need to sing with me, alright?"


Suddenly, music came out of nowhere and Dionysus cleared his throat. "Every now and then I get a little bit nervous that the best of all the years have gone by. Every now and then I get a little bit terrified and then I see the look in your eyes."

"...Awound...biht ice."

" Yeah! You know that song? Every now and then I fall apart!"

"Tun awond bite yes!"

"Every now and then I fall apart! And I need you now tonight! And I need you more than ever!"

"An if you'll owy holt me tit, we'll be holting on poreber!"

"And we'll only be making it right, cuz' we'll never be wrong, together we can take it to the end of the line, your love is like a shadow on me all of the time!"

All of the time~

"I don now whut to do, and em aways in the park! We living in a powder peg an gifing off farts!"

Then they sang in unison "I really need you tonight! Forever's gonna start tonight! Forever's gonna start tonight!"

And we'll just leave these two to their hallucination.


"Where are they?!"

Hera was growing restless. It's been a few hours since the arrival of the other gods and goddesses, they couldn't go to their rooms because their queen forbade them, and the fact that she was still shouting at 3 am in the morning.

She glared at her husband. "Zeus! It's your fault! Why did you leave them when you knew your bastard" Everyone twitched. "son, still can't teleport!"

The god made sure to keep his distance from her. Even though she was stuck in her throne, she could do things that any living would fear. "I only learned that from Apollo today."

"You should've at least made sure that the craftsman would be coming here without delay!"

"Argh! I can't believe this!" excalimed Aphrodite. "I should be sleeping right about now! Not listening her bitch about!"

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