The Birds and the Bee

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Fun Fact: This chapter isn't the original one. The original was recently deleted by the idiot author known as kcxtreme.

Do excuse her for she has problems that even the forces of the world could not explain. Thank you and we hope that you enjoy this 'rushed' chapter.


"C'mon Eury~"

"I said get lost!"

"This is an order from his majesty himself!"

"I don't care! Get lost or I'll turn you into a tree!"

"Pfft! Trees are so~ last year! But fine, have it your way, Eury~"

"My name is not Eury!"

The titaness watched as the messenger god flew away into the horizon before heading to the secret passageway to their grotto. As she went in, she muttered to herself "Gotta tell her...they're on to us..." When she arrived, the place they have been living in changed drastically over the years.

Some of the holes on the ceiling have been covered so the rain won't pass through, as for the light, coral lamps have been placed under the water to brighten the place. Circling the inside of grotto were crafted ornaments, drachmas, silver, gold, platinum, gemstones, and other precious rocks and metals. And at the islet at the center stood a beautiful bungalow surrounded by tropical plants, and a bridge was built to make a path.

Eurynome was headed for the building when she heard someone call her. She turned to see her friend coming from a nearby hidden spring.

"I'm glad you decided to show up. We were getting hungry." said Thetis.

"Well, we need to talk. I'll tell you while we head back." Eurynome started to walk ahead.

The goddess raised an eyebrow and caught up with her. "What's wrong?"

"Hermes showed up."


"He was looking for him...but for another reason. It seems that the Olympians have found out about him, and I'm betting it's Aphrodite who told them." They crossed the bridge and when they reached the door, they stopped. The titaness breathed deeply and turned to the goddess who was spacing out. She took her by the shoulders and made her face her. "Thetis, we talked about this."

Thetis gulped and nodded. "I-I know. It's just that...I never thought that this day would come so soon."

"I know it's hard but, he needs to know who he really is." She wiped a tear from her friend's face. "Hey, I always tell you, right? He will never forget us, even if he's famous and have a lot of naked nymphs on his forge! So stop crying, and don't worry, you raised him well."

She smiled and took her hands. "We raised him well." Eurynome hugged her before they went inside. She went to the dining room and started to set the table when she heard her friend banging on one of the doors.

"Hephaestus! Hephaestus! Get your ass out of that room, mister! Or so Chaos help me, I will knock down this door and drag your ass out for the hundredth time!" She heard the door being unlocked from the other side, and then it slowly opened to reveal the inhabitant.

Hephaestus was tall and handsome, excluding the blemished side of course, has dark-brown hair, red eyes, has a tanned, lean and built body, and he always wore a hood scarf to hide his face.

Eurynome swiped the hood from him. "How many times must I tell you to never wear this when you are in the house! You need to let that head of yours breathe!"

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