Headache is Equal to Wisdom

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That was what the king of the gods was experiencing; a severe pain on his head. It wasn't just an ordinary headache, it felt like there was a giant pounding on his skull, and as every minute passed it became worse. He thought that Metis was getting her revenge, and it was working.

He wanted to lie down, but he was in the middle of a meeting, and even if he wanted to end this his wife would give him her infamous death glare.

Once a month, a council meeting would be held and it's an obligation for the Olympians to attend. Last month, it was canceled and his wife announced that the next meeting everyone must come, if not, they shall feel her wrath.

And he doesn't want that.


The god looked at Hera beside him. He saw her raising an eyebrow, and he told her quietly that it was nothing. He turned back to the other Olympians, who were all waiting for him to speak up. He was about to say something when Poseidon, seated beside him, whispered, 

"Zeus, come over to my palace tonight."

"Why?" His older brother had been asking for the past few months to visit his domain at night for some reason.

"It's not the time for this, but just come. You'll enjoy it!"

He leaned a bit closer. "Are there...nymphs?"

"No. It's just the two of us."

Zeus massaged his head, the pain starting to build up. "What are we going to do then?" He saw him sat up straight and smirked, and to his horror, he winked at him.

Be strong Zeus.

You know your brother is into that kind of relationships,

Be strong.

You are the god!

Zeus just gave him a smile, and then he noticed that everyone was looking at them, especially his wife, and it was ugly.

Ares piped up "Hey Pops, why do I have to attend this stupid meetings every month?"

Zeus rubbed his temple. He already has a headache and his son has to complain, just like every meeting they had.

Hera answered in a strict tone "Ares, no matter how many times you must ask, the answer will always be the same. You're an Olympian, and your sisters are not. It is your duty to attend to these gatherings whether you like it or not."

"But Mom!"

"No buts!"

Hestia said with a smile "If you become patient dear nephew, Auntie Hestia will make your favorite Roast beef for tonight's dinner~"

"Don't treat me like a babe! And I want more potatoes on my plate tonight!"

Demeter rolled her eyes. "He's becoming a spoiled brat because of you, sister!"

He glared at her. "Shut up you old hag!"

"Here we go again." muttered Poseidon.

"Everyone, we are in the middle of a discussion here!" said Hera.

As they started to bicker, they didn't notice Zeus gripping his head, and the look on his face showed that he was at his limit. He slumped to the floor and cried out in pain. The Olympians were startled and looked at their king.

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