Hephaestus, The God of Fire

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Ever since the incident two weeks ago, the Olympians never showed up on Hephaestus' doorstep, which he was grateful because he didn't remember what he'd done before and after freeing his mother. He had this feeling he did something stupid. Now, he can live peacefully again with his mother and aunt in their beautiful grotto. But the two had been talking about reclaiming his rightful place in Olympus, which he kept on refusing, and the only other problem was his biological mother.

She has been sending him gifts for the past few days and he hoped that this was the last one, though he may be lying to himself. No matter how much she tried, he won't be forgiving her anytime soon, but that doesn't mean he was going to throw all the gifts away. He almost burned the first three gifts if he hadn't seen the contents. They were rare and valuable stuff that people would sell his soul to the Dark Lord just to have them.

He uncovered the gift and was amazed by the glistening bottle. At first, he thought whatever was inside was alive, but he realized that it was a bottle full of electricity. He marveled at his gift, and then he wrapped it with the cloth.


He watched as Thetis and Eurynome approached him. The latter spoke "Looks like that mother of yours has finally broke her pride!"

The goddess said "Hephaestus, Eury and I have been talking, and whatever your decision is, we shall accept it. Like we always say, you're all grown up, and you can make your own decisions. We don't want to force you to stay in a place that you don't like. We're just worried about your future."

The titaness agreed. "Besides, you can always travel you know, learn different things about your crafting. You don't need all those stuff in that palace. Just make sure to visit us once in a while."

Hephaestus actually has been thinking about it even though he kept refusing. He thought that he could do more, build things that no one has ever done at Olympus. He could travel, or more like teleport, but they have the stuff there, based on the gifts his mother had sent, and it was just lying there, waiting for someone to use the; to create them.

He was looking at his gift as he said "Mother, aunt, thank you for everything. You took care of me even though I wasn't your own, and I'm really thankful. I swear on the river of Styx, whatever happens, the two of you will always be my family." He smiled warmly at them. Thetis hugged him and he returned this.

Eurynome rolled her eyes and muttered "We're getting sappier each day."

"Oh Eury, hugged your little nephew."

"Alright! C'mon li'l Heffie, hug your auntie!"

He hugged her and pulled away to say "I have another big project. I need to start soon."

"You always have a project! And I hope it's not that kind of project! I swear if you do that ever again, I will trap you in tartarus! It's a good thing she's your mother cuz' if not, you would have been dead already!"

"Don't worry, it won't hurt anyone."

"Well let's have some snacks. Come along Hephaestus!" said Theits as they headed for the hidden cave.

Hephaestus smirked. Not yet anyways."


One month later...

"Order! I said order!"

Everyone settled down on their thrones at the council room, except for one, who was giving off a dark aura at the corner of the room.

Zeus called him "Hades! What are you doing there?"

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