No Tree Bears Bad Fruits, Only Idiots

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Nine years later...

The Olympians were at the dining hall, waiting for a certain goddess before they start dinner.

During those nine years, the once six Olympians have become eleven. Hestia had retire from being an Olympian and gave way to her latest nephew. Poseidon on the other hand was at his domain and only goes to Olympus when needed.

Zeus was sitting at the head of the table and to his left were Hera, Demeter, Athena, and skipping to one seat was Artemis. On his right side were Ares, Apollo, Hermes and their newest member, Dionysus. They were one big 'happy' family, or that's what Zeus thought because for his wife, she was in a room full of bastards.

Twenty minutes had passed since dinner was served, and still no one has spoken.

Hera breathed deeply. It was always like this every dinner, and they have to wait for that bastard!

And why was she always late?

Well she had to freakin' choose a robe to wear every night which took her an hour!

And don't get started with the make-up!


Oh great. What's the b*tch's problem now?


One day Zeus. One day.

The two great doors slammed open, revealing the much awaited goddess. She ran to her father while shouting "DAAAAAAAAAADDYYYYYYYYYY~"

Its like a cat was screeching into their ears.

Zeus sighed and rubbed his head. "What is it now Aphrodite?"

The goddess sobbed. "M-My robe! My robe!"

"What's wrong with it?"

Aphrodite showed a tiny hole on the cloth. "It's ruined!" And then she started wailing.

Zeus noticed the looks of his children, telling him they were freakin' hungry, and of course, the glare from his sisters. He turned to the sobbing goddess on his lap. "Daddy will get you a new robe tomorrow. So please stop crying and let us eat."

The goddess beamed at him. "Really? Yay!" She jumped up. "I also want some lilacs from the Elysian fields and new make-up!" She quickly headed for the doors.

"Where are you going?"

"To change duh!" she said as she went out, and everyone groaned.

"Why do I have to suffer like this?!" exclaimed Hermes.

Apollo said "You can say that again." Then he felt his stomach grumble. "If this continues, I'll be thin like a stick."

Artemis muttered "That spoiled brat! This is why I'm often late for my night huntings!"

"Can we just eat now?!" asked Ares.

Demeter humphed. "Well, well, well! I thought you boys are courting her? If one of you is going to make her your bride, then you better get used to her, especially every single night!"

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