May the Odds Be Never in Your Favor

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The queen of the gods has been spending three days on her 'magical' throne. That included sleeping and eating, and yes, she was spoon-fed by the nymphs like a babe. If a part of her itched, the nymphs had to scratch it to their dismay. And it's a good thing they don't produce body waste, because the nymphs would not drill a hole under the throne, place a bowl, and take it back to see 'ambrosia' and 'nectar.

Also, they would need to wipe her ass.

Nope! That would be the last straw!

And the fact that it would be freaking awkward for the queen to be pooping rainbows and sunshine in the throne room, especially when someone comes in unannounced.

For example:

*Door slams open*

Hades: Hera, I love you!

Hera: Oh my Chaos, Hades! Can you not see that I'm pooping?!



Yes, that would have been very awkward.

She could have busied herself with her work, but her thoughts were elsewhere. Her husband had to call her a few times before she responded.


The goddess blinked and looked at him. "What?"

"You're daydreaming again."

"I told you, I am not daydreaming. Anyway, where is that bastard son of yours?"

Zeus sat on his throne. "You tell me."

The great doors opened, and seconds later, they felt a breeze, signaling the arrival of the messenger god. He flew into the room and stopped at the bottom of the stairs. He bowed and said "My lady, I have news."


"Just like you have expected, there is another being living with them. For two days, I have been seeing Thetis and Eurynome bring a basket every meal time to a small shack along the beach. I decided to wait until whoever was living in there came out, but he only did so today, and he went to a hidden cave where the two has been using. So it is confirmed that they have a male companion living with them."

Hera thought for a few seconds before asking "What does he look like?"

Hermes glanced the other way and rubbed his chin. "Umm~ Now that I think about it, he wore a hooded scarf, so I wasn't able to see it, but I'm pretty sure it's a male cuz' his built was like Ares."

Zeus turned to his wife and asked "Are you certain he is the one who made the throne? He could be just Thetis or Eurynome's son."

It was her turn to turn to him, and it was like one of those head turns that they do in horror movies. "Or maybe, he's one of your bastards!"

Hermes twitched.

"But no, I have this gut feeling that he's the one." Then she muttered. "Though I have to see his face..."

Zeus leaned closer. "What?"

Hera, in a strict tone, commanded the young god "Hermes, call your brothers and sisters immediately. Tell them that they need to be here in five minutes and I don't care if they're busy. If not, I will cut back their allowances, including yours."

His eyes became wider. "But, you already cut back our allowances just last week!"

FYI, Here and her siblings were the rich ones. The younger Olympians were depending on them for money (yeah, they're poor), well for Hera, they were more like leeches.

"And I will if you don't-" she was cut off when the god quickly flew out.

Zeus was about to say something when he decided to just keep his mouth shut. He doesn't want his allowance to drop to none.

Minutes later, the gods and goddesses were all assembled at the throne room and waited for what their evil stepmother has to say.

Zeus stood up, his wife said to him what needed to be done, and the fact that she was day dreaming again made him her spokesperson. "Alright, I'll make this quick. Hermes here has confirmed that Thetis and Eurynome have a male companion living with them, and Hera here believes that he's the one who sent this throne. The seven of you has a mission, and that is to convince the craftsman to free Hera from this throne. She also said that there will be a reward to whoever succeeds."

"What's the prize Pops?" asked Ares.

"Well, she left it to me, so I guess it's the same as last time, more desserts every dinner for one year."

"Why do we need to do the dirty work?" complained Aphrodite.

Zeus looked at Hera who was gazing at the floor. He waved a hand on her face; none. He decided to say "Well, I really don't know...You know what, let's add another prize. Apart from the desserts, the winner's allowance will be tripled!"

And all questions were erased from their minds. If getting that craftsman to come with them to Mt. Olympus and free their queen was a way to triple their moolah, then so be it. The younger Olympians quickly rushed out, leaving the couple.

The King of the gods sighed and sat on his throne. He was about to close his eyes when someone asked "What are you still doing here?" He turned to his wife, who was raising an eyebrow at him. "I don't get-"

She cut him off. "Look, go with them. Someone needs to watch them, besides, I'm fine. The nymphs will take care of me."

"Wait, you've been listening?"

"Half of it. Now go! And I want him alive. If Ares brings me a corpse you will be the next one!"

"But I have things to do!"

"Like what?!"

Showing his thunderbolt.

Banging a nymph, or two.



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