Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
The next day Anna, Jess, Rachel, Hannah all got up before Michala. They woke up to Michala's annoying text tone. Anna got up to restive her phone. "Anna leave my phone alone." Michala sapped.

"Meow somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed" the there girls burst in laughter.

"Haha so funny". Michala got up out of the warm Cozy bed and walk slowly to where phone was placed.

From unknown #

Hey beautiful. what time do you want me to pick you up today?" haz.

You quickly put his number in your phone.

To haz:

Give me 20 minutes.

You quickly got dressed.

Jess "slow down hot stuff he's just a guy. "

"Can you girls help me with my hair and make up?"

Jess "sure. "

Michala was not great at make up or styling hair so they all gladly helped.

Hannah "we will cover for you.". The flight leaves at 10 pm so we will be at the airport waiting for you."

Michala grabbed her purse; passport; and all the fight info then she closed and finished packing her suit case.

"Thanks girls I don't know what I'd do without you. I will see you at the airport."

Michala grabbed all her stuff and went down to the lobby hoping no other teachers or class mates heard or saw her. she was able to get to the lobby. when she got there her phone rang.

From haz.

I'm outside your hotel now.

You walked out and saw a black car.

Harry got out to help you with your bags, and put them in the trunk of the large SUV.

"Thanks." Michala shyly spoke.

"Your welcome love." haz gave you a large welcoming smile you hoped in the car right behind him.

"Nice to see you again Michala" Louis and Niall spoke in unison.

" You two" Michala said

" We didn't think you would come. sense it took you so long to reply." Louis

"I have to be at the airport no later 6."

"Your leaving today.". Haz looked shocked.

"Yeah. " "it's time for me to go back home spring breaks over." Michala's eye started to water over.

"Did I say something wrong?" Louis

"No I just got this weired text from my mom.. Do you mind if I call her?"

"Go ahead.". Haz "you know you don't have to ask."

"Mom what's wrong?". Michala heirs crying in the back ground.

"I will tell you when you come home. i love u sweaty but I can't talk now.".

You hadn't realize you were crying until a tear came down your check and down to your chin.

"Bye mom."

Harry was looking at you. "what happend?"

"I don't know she wouldn't say but it's not good." Michala was still crying. Harry leaned in so you can cry into his shoulder. He rubbed your back and said it would be fine. Shortly after you stopped crying.


"No problem love. Where do you want to go?"

"I don't know I don't really know anything but other than shopping and eating." You checked your makeup in the mirror.

"You look fine. plus looks don't matter." Haz

" You guys could show me around."


Michalas phone buzzed

from Anna

How are you doing?

To Anna

fine why?

From Anna

Your mom called she was crying do you know what's going on?

To Anna

No. I wish I knew but I know that it's going to be bad.

"Michala where are you from?" Louis

"United States."

"That's cool.".

"We are here." Louis said

"Where are we. it's so beautiful. it looks like old faithful."

"What's old faithful?"

"It's a giant waterfall in my national park that I've only see picture of.".

All of the sudden fireworks where lighting up the sky.

long chapter hope you like it if you want more comment, like, etc. I just got carried away with this chapter.

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