Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
Michala's prov.

"Michala were leaving." Jess

"Alright by girls." Michala. "Were all alone. I miss you.".

"Just shut up and kiss me." Harry leaned in and gave michala a long lasting kiss. Michala got on Harry's lap to make it easier. Harry got that as a sign to make it harder.


"What I thought you wanted more"! Harry exclaimed.

"I don't want to go that far, yet".

"Oh." Harry sighed

"Oh is that all you can say. You sound disappointed."

"Never mind let's just watch a movie." Harry you just stared at him shocked. "What?"

"You you wanted more from me." Michala stutter. She was shocked, thrilled, and scared all at one time. Should I give him more? Whats wrong with me he's a guy they all want more? Why does he do this to me and not even try.

"Michala". Harry snapped michala out of you her turning thoughts. "Did you hear what I said?"


"I said what movie do you want to watch?" He asked again.

"Oh I really don't care you pick. I've seen most of those movies on the floor about a million times."

"Really." He put his index finger on his chin like he was in a deep thought. Harry picked "we're the millers".

"Good choice."

"Why do you love this movie?" He asked.

"Yes it's hilarious. It makes me laugh every time."

Half way through the movie Michala had fallen asleep on Harry's lap. He was torn watching Michala sleep or watch the rest of the movie. Eventually they both fell asleep on the couch. When Michala was awoken by a loud knock on the door.

She jumped up from the couch trying not to wake harry. She grabbed pink handled Gluck aka her gun from her safe in the cabinet in the living room. Then walks towards the door, and looks out the peep whole. When she saw it was her mom she unlocked the door quickly.

"Mom what the hell are you doing her at this time of night." Michala was trying to whisper but didn't work.

"Why the hell do you have a gun." Mom

"That doesn't matter answer my question."

"What's with all the shouting." Harry walks over sleepy but when he saw the gun in Michala's hand he was scared.

Michala walked over and put the gun away.

"Your dad's been in a wreck. He's not doing good. I think you should go see him before it's to late."

"Now why the hell do you have a gun? Who is he? Where did you meet? Where did you get that gun?" mom

"Ok I have a gun for my protection haven't used it. This is Harry I meet him in London. I bought the gun after I got robbed. We done. I'll go get dressed to see dad."

Michala walked into her bed room, and just put blue jeans on and a sweatshirt with some tenni shoes laying spread a crossed the floor. Walk back out and saw Harry and my mom talking.


"Yeah. Harry you coming?"

"Yeah." He got his white high tops on then followed the two of you out the door.

"Michala your not keeping the gun." Mom sounds ferrous.

"Why so the next time somebody breaks in I get killed or better yet get into other trouble." Michala screaming at the top of her lungs. "I'm an adult it's for my protection."

"You didn't have to go that low but you got the point." Her mom said

"I'm leaving anyways so why do you care?"

My mom pulled over the car and looked at me "because your my daughter; sorry but your still to young for all this. I love u. I'm always here for you, but you moved out."

"Thanks for remaining me." Michala turned to look out the window. "Just let me see dad so I can go back to bed."

"Why the hell was he at your house anyway? Are you pregnant from him?

"What no I'm not that way mom." Michala screaming again "Oh god no we fell asleep watching a movie."

"Why do you put yourself so low? I never accused you of being one." My mom said. She made me this way long time long time ago.

Harry just sat in the back seat try to ignore the bad comments form both of their mouths.

"Oh I don't put myself low you put me their mom." My mom said. She made me this way long time long time ago.

"Will you two just stop all this fighting. Your giving me a headache!" Harry finally spoke.

Michala just stared out the window all the way to the hospital which turned out to be an hour a way at a trama hospital.

Once you had arrived the hospital in Denver, the walk seemed slow and dreadful sense he was here. The three of them got on the elevator and went to the ICU floor. Michala went into his room alone.

"Dad." Michala eyes were teary. "dad please, wake up, I need you." By this time Michala was crying.

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