Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
(previously on Mystery Girl) Once Michala had arrived to the hospital in Denver, they walked which seemed to go really slow and dreadful sense he was here. The three got on the elevator and went to the ICU floor. Michala went into his room alone.

"Dad" Michala eyes were teary "dad please, wake up I need you." By this time Michala was in full out sobbing.

Michala's Dad was badly beat up. He had several scraps and scratches, also had several bumps on his head. He was badly torn apart. His eyes were moving because you could see his eye lips move unconsciously, but he still wouldn't wake up. Michala's holds his hand out for Michala to hold it. "Dad I love you. I need you I still have a lot that I haven't learned."

"Michala" her dad says in a very raspy voice.

"Your ok. Oh Thank god." Michala

"shut up!" dad

"ok. I will come see you later I have somebody waiting out side." Michala

"OMG my baby has a date." dad

"dad its not like that. I don't know if he likes me." Michala

"Hey if he's here he has to like you." dad.

Michala kiss her dad on his forehead. "get better daddy."

"bye sweat heart." dad

"bye daddy."

Michala walked out she first saw her mom then Harry they were still outside of his room.

"You ok hunny? I should have warned you on the injuries." Michala's Mom

"I'm sorry mom."

"No I'm sorry I should have been their for you when you came back from London."

"Was this all part of that phone call, Michala?" Harry

"How did you know about that phone call?" Michala's Mom

"Uh.. Uh I was their when she called you." Harry

"ok wise guy what was the phone call about?" Michala's Mom

"Mom don't be mean I didn't tell him about the phone call." Michala

"So your going to sleep with a guy and not tell him?" Mom

"Here you go again." Michala rolled her eyes and had an attitude of being annoyed by her mom.

"what?" mom

"Stop being a bitch." Michala

"oh! go home." mom

"I can't you brought me." Michala

"Fine let me just see your dad." Mom

"FYI I didn't sleep with him. ugh" Michala sat on the floor head in her hands.

"Are you okay?" Harry

"No. I don't want to talk about anything before I blow my top on you! Trust me you don't want to hear it." Michala

"ok." Harry sat down next to Michala and put his hand on her back. 'should I ask her about what she said about me? That was rude. Does she not like me? I will wait till we get home to talk to her about this. But then again we just meat.' I was snapped out of my intense thoughts when Michala called my name.

"what?" harry

"Were leaving. Unless you want to stay." Michala looked down and smiled. She put her down. Michala helped Harry up. Here comes the longest ride of our lifes. When they walk outside the sun is just starting to peek the horizon. Michala put her headphones in to avoid any more fights with her mom she already had way to many fights with her today. She then sat in the back seat with Harry.

"Michala" Harry whispered.

"What?" Michala snapped

"Somebody is crancy. We back at your house." Harry

"Okay, Bye mom." Michala got out and slammed the door hopefully nobody would follow but the last time she did this Harry came out and kissed her. But this was her mom.

Michala got in the house and went into her room and changed into sweets. She called her work and called in sick. Harry came and knocked on her door. "Michala can I come in?" Harry said so quietly it almost was a whisper.

"um hold on." Michala whipped her eyes and finished putting her sweat shirt on. "come in." Harry walked in and saw a ton of shoes spread a crossed the floor and saw that the amount of clothes in the closet. "sorry about the mess im trying to move."

"Why did you say that you didn't sleep with me when she walked in on us?" Harry

"I didn't expect you to stay last night. I don't hardly let anyone stay the night. Plus we didnt exactly sleep with eachtoher. I'm sorry but you just came at a bad time. I like you a lot. But we are not dating right now unless you want to." Michala

"Well I will leave if that's how you feel." Harry walked out.

Michala ran out after Harry. "harry please." Michala's voice shaky. "hazza! please."

"What did you just say." harry

"I didn't mean that I'm still mad at my mom. I want to date you." Michala still crying. "can we go back inside?"

"sure." Harry wiped the tears away from Michala's check.

"Harry I am crazy for you but a lot happed today that I need time to process. So I am going to say things that I don't mean, and I'm sorry that has to be you." She paused for a bit trying to think of way to make this better. "Would you like to just watch a movie with me today?"

"Sure! Could we start over please?" Harry asked.

"Yes I would love that." Michala

"Did you just call me hazza?" Harry asked

"yes but you weren't listening to me. So I decided to go with that. So where are the guys?" Michala asked

"idk, why do you want to have them come over?" harry questioning michala.

"it would be nice to see them before you have to leave. I like all of you as friends." Michala. After all the questions they settled on watching a tv show awkward.

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