Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

 The song for the chapter is You & I by One Direction

Harry's Prov

Harry woke up way to early. He was extreamly sweaty but didnt mind because of who he was holding in his arms. He has slowly and surly fallen in love with Michala. He planted a single kiss on top of her head. He slowly laid back down and had thought about the days that they have spent together with Michala.

He was looking back at the memory in London and how she was upset but yet he made her strong. He has been the reason that Michala has gotten through the days now that she has told him.

Their was the memory of their first night together when he found her mom yelling at her and Michala had a gun. He got shivers still just thinking about it. Michala told him that it was her fathers idea but that didnt help much because he still thought that she should have at least told him.

When Michala started shifting on him it brought him back to reality. He looked down at her beautiful face. Harry spoke in a vary raspy morning voice. "Good morning beautiful." Michala just looked at him and smiled. She loved his morning voice, and his english accent was very thick. Michala just started giggling.

"Whats so funny?"  He asked nervously.

Michala "Your voice it just sounds different. Plus i never told you that i was a fan of One direction."

"I figured that out the first day that we meet remember.  You were staring at me your entire dinner."  He laughed.

"Yeah but that seems like it been years since i saw you there".

Harry just bursted out laughing. "Alright what are we doing today?"

"hmmm. beside avoiding the paparattzzi. I was thinking just going to a club, or see a show. There several down here."

Harry was laughing even harder then as he thought of Michala in a club he found hilarious. Michala wasn't the type of girl to just go clubing. "You seriously want to go out clubing!"

"Yes is that so hard to believe that I want to have one night stress free and just let go of all the problems of the world. "

"Well when you put it that way your right." Harry was still laughing. "Well then i will drive to the club because i know excatly where there all at from when the boys and i were here."

"Alright but until tonight  We can just hang here and at the pool."  Michala said.

Harry jumped out of bed and said "race you to the pool". Which also was changing. He can really change fast if he wanted to. Michala was still shy about him see her so she went into the bathroom to put on her bathing suite. It was pink and purple pokadots, with purple bottums. "Done" she says as she walks back into a room with harry in his yellow bathing suite. His mouth was just droped. Michala looked down at her body thinking something was wrong. When Harry chims in. "Yoouu look great." He tried to conpose himself.

Michalas Prov.

I walked out and his mouth is just droped. When he looks down I realises that he had only seen my body once. I shyly smiles as Harry starts to get nerveous.  When I am always nervous around him because its freaking harry styles.

Harry interupted her thoughts "ready to go?" I just nod my head and through one of a tshirts over myrself with some shorts. I don't like the thought that poporatizzi could take a picture of me like that. Nobody still has no idea about Michala to them shes just another girl that harry is taking out. He still had that bad image of him. He hated being thought about like that but he tried to hide that it really bothered him deep down inside. The paps. were down at the pool. Harry curse 'fuking great'. Michala just looked at him. "Its not the end of the world. Their ganna get pictures of us anyways because of last night." Harry had them guard make them go outside. To give them at least priviacy to talk but they could still take pictures of the two of them. Michala got undressed. Their was flashes of lights from their cameras. Michala jumps streight in the pool followed by harry. For a while it was just like chase. They would swim away from each other and make the other one catch up. Harry finally caught up to Michala spun her around. He put a few strands of her loose hair behind her ears. She had a light mediam brown hair. Harry slowly leaned in to Michala planted a long kiss. It must have last to long because louis and liam came to join the party. Michala had no idea that they were all even here.

Louis " will you to love birds get a room or stop kissing the paps are sitting right their taking picutes."

Michala "so who cares they already took pictures last night. Now they just have more." Michala was taking this all to well. Harry and the guys were shocked by her answer.

Liam "anyways what are we doing tonight?"

Harry "clubing."

Authers note: (please please please like if your reading, also comment on what you thought. The whole chapter is songs from the New albume Midnight Memories which I love. So please just comment. I love you all.)

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