Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
(Warning: This could get a little dirty but not much this is ganna start getting dirty form this point forward. Just a for warning.)

Once they were back at Michala's place Harry carried Michala up the steps the bridle style. Michala got her key out and put it in the key whole. Harry still caring Michala up to her bed room. Harry put Michala down on her bed. He took of his shoes and then Michalas shoes. Michala just layed on her bed looking up at harry. Harry got back on the bed and laid next to her. He kissed her. The kisses started out sweat but got heavier and harder with every second. Harry started kissing Michalas jaw line.

"You are so dam beautiful like this. I want you bad." harry spoke sucductively

"Haarrry I-i." Michala stuttered.

"shh it wont hurt." Michala started playing with Harrys curls on the back of his neck. Harry let out a moan. He tuged at Michala's hair a bit. When she opened her mouth he sliped his tongue in her mouth and explored. Michala pushed harry back a little. "Harry maybe we should go out and do something and not this." Michala

"but i really want you." Harry laid back down and rubbed his growing boldge on you. Michalas mouth formed an 'o'. "I really want you." Harry said in a low raspy voice. "please?" Harry begged.

Michala leaned up to harrys lips and placed a kiss on them. "Dont hurt me."

Harry smiled and contuined to kiss michala. "I wont hurt you babe. Ill be gental." Harry pressed his body to Michala, while his hands traveled down her side and stopped at her pants. He lifted her shirt up and off of her head. His eyes racked down her body. Then he leaned against her ear, he whispered "you are so sexy and that white bra is making me go crazy." Michala blushed at his dirty words. Harry took off Michala's skinny jeans. Her panties matched her bra.

"This isnt fair your still dressed." Michala whimpered for his touch as well. Michala was bold and went for harry's white tee shirt. Harry took off his own pants since he was hard and he knew it would be tight to get off of him. "Harry hurry up im getting cold." Michala let out a giggle.

"lol somebody miss my touch?" Harry laughed as he could see Michala blush and get goose bumps. He hovered over Michala again. He kissed her body until Michala let a moan out. "do you want me?"

"Yes harry ppplleasse." Harry grabbed michalas panties and pulled them off. With his hands he started to touch her skin.

"Your such a good girl, you are so wet for me." harry whispered.

He started touching her and then inserted a fingure inside michala while he was kissing her lips so she could get distracted. After a while i added another he kept adding more fingures untill Michala was out of breath. Watching her moan and cum all over his fingurs he couldnt help but release his own. "Told you i would be gental." They both just laid down under the covers coming off of their highs. Harry started to get out of bed. "Harry stay in here with me, please." He got back in her bed and put his arm around her stomach. "Okay beautiful get some rest."

---->The next morning.

Harry was up first and he got dressed. He put his beanie on. Michala got up as soon as she noticed he was gone. "HARRY" Michala screamed getting all frantic. Harry came rushing to her room.

"What?" He asked

"I thought you left."

"No i was just making you breakfast. Get dressed and it should be ready." Harry said and left back to his cooking. Michala hopped in the shower then got dressed. She put on a pink top with white shorts one and her white vans. Next she went to the mirror brushed her wavy hair she descied to leave it down; then burshed her teeth. After that she applyed mascarra and eyeliner.

She went to the kitchen where the table was set. "So you know how to cook." Michala started biting her lip. It was a nerveous habit she does around a guy she likes.

"Yes i do." Harry winked

"Oh you did not just wink. Harry Styles the womenizer flirt.

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