Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
Michala had one last get together with her friends before most of them leave. Anna, Michala, and Rachel are all going to CSU. Hannah, and Jess are going to UW. Which is not that far away from each other.

"So Michala, how's ur new boyfriend?". Jess. Michala spit her glass of water out of her moth.

"What! Harry and I are not dating."

"Then explain this." Jess showed Michala the picture on the Magazine. It was of her and Harry kissing. the caption said. "is this girl stilling one heart of the most favorite boy band heartthrob Harry Style's? But who is she nobody knows."


"What happened that made him kiss you?"

" idk. I am going to called him." She dialed is number extremely fast. after the fourth ring she hung up and dialed again. she repeated this five times before she gave up. "I had nothing to do with that pic."

"B.S." They all said in unison.

"But i didn't he kissed me." I said good bye to him. Then I went in and put my bags on the belt to the plane. went to the restroom I heard him shouting my name from in the bathroom. I walked out called his name and he ran into me and lifted me off me feet and then we kissed." "But the kiss oh boy that was something I would never forget. if only I could kiss him again. The kiss was passionate and fire I had a burning sensation in my stomach."

Michala's phone rang. "omg it's him.". She cleared her throat, and answered the phone.


"Are you ok you called my seven times."

"Oh I'm sorry. I was wondering about a question that couldn't wait. But know that I'm talking to you it sounds stupid. I'll let you sleep or whatever your doing."

"You saw the magazine didn't you."


"Will you please be my girlfriend."

"Yes.". She was smiling ear to ear.

"Alright but it's 2 a.m."

"Oh sorry I forgot to check what time it would be their."

"It's alright. goodnight love."

"Sweat dreams."

Jess "so what did he say."

Michala let out a deep sigh. "He asked me to be his Girlfriend."

Jess "wow. you finally got a boyfriend. were happy for you.". "Oh it's getting late we should all go to sleep we all leave in a couple of days and we still have to pack."

"I want to see him so bad. Why can't I just tell him that."

"While you can Beautiful.". Harry's raspy voice.

"OMG". You ran to Harry and gave him a hug. "I missed you, babe."

"Ok let's not take it that far.".

"Hey girls.". Louis said. Michala huge all the members.

"Girl you got them all coming to you lucky." Jess.

"Am I dreaming.".

"No it's really me." Harry

Michala went up to Harry and gave him a worm welcoming kiss.

"Whoa.". "I just realized how much I miss you. That kiss was whoa.". He leaned down and gave Michala another kiss.

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