Chapter 17

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Good evening guys... Life's getting better. I won't update until Sunday but I have a few books so I try to update both but I always do one and alternate between "Mystery girl" and "Transfer".

Chapter 17

Michala's Prov

Once the cops arrived. I explained to them how my gun and ammo was stolen. I showed the broken lock that had been chopped off.

Police "do you know anybody who would do this to you?"

Me "yea I've been all over the news and I've been broken into before so it doesn't surprise me."

Police "what type of gun did you have?"

Me "smith and glock 9 millimeter hand gun with a pink strip on the side."

The officer wrote this information down. "Thanks ma'am also we need you to either change your locks on your doors or move. Since this is not your fist break in we would like for your safety and since your now on tv."

Me "thanks officer."

After the officer left it was about noon. Wow I really missed two of work. But every since the cops told me I should move I kept thinking why not just leave completely get out of the city. I go to my owner to my apartment that I rent and tell them I want out.

After talking with them I got three days. I went home that night I called up the girls which is Anne, Jesse, Rachel and Hannah to help me pack. Luckily it was Friday and so it was no big deal. Once they got here I had already packed the kitchen. I asked two girls to pack the living room. While Jesse helps me pack my clothes. I put most of my cloths in suite cases which also go in with my pictures. After that is field I put my shoes in another the rest of the clothes go in boxes with also the towels. I put the sheets in last cause I'm going to surprise Harry and live with him but first I need to take all my crap to his moms house.

"So I'm thinking on moving to Halms chapel."

Jess "what?".

"Well I have to move anyways and things are serious with Harry and I. I just thought minus well I have to go way anyways."

Jess "oh.". Their was a long pause and then she spoke up. "Just be careful and don't forget to say goodbye to your dad."

"I will". "Can I crash at ur place for a while. I need to get a plan ticket and ship all this off to his moms house. NAnd sale my car."

Jess "Of course."

Once all the packing was done I told the girls the news and they decide to throw a half throwing away party but I wasn't leaving for at least a month. I still have a lot to do. We went for McDonald's for dinner since we decide to drive back to Wyoming which is a three and a half hour drive.

I called Harry on the way to Jess's house.

"Michala are you ok? Do I need to come get you?"

"Harry slow down. I'm fine I just wanted to call and say goodnight."

I thought of telling him later I moved out.

"Alright well night babe. Be carful."


"Yes Harry."

"Why did the police show up at your apparent after I dropped you off?"

"How did you find out?"

"Answer me."

"When we were in Denver I got robbed. They took my gun and a few other things."

"I moved in with a friend so I'm safe alright babe."

"Ok. Be carful Michala. I love you babe"

"Love you Harry. goodnight"

I hung up and finish driving the rest the way to Wyoming. We got to Jess apartment around 2 am. We left most of the boxes in the car and just brought in my suit cases.

Authors note

thanks for reading. It's long because prom is on Saturday and I wanted to make sure you guy get an extra long one. On Sunday I'll try and update Transfer. Anyways goodnight Directioners.

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