Chapter One

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 Thanks to @KizzieX A.K.A my Twin who edited Part One. Thanks to @Lilyblue72 who made my beautiful cover. I am very grateful. Please read their works. Thankyouu soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much to everyone who has read this and supported me along the way! Loveeee to y'all :)


I was without a care in the world until I opened the envelope. I knew what it was before I even read it, I'll remember the day for as long as I'll live, it was meant to be a joke but it ended up hurting someone. My face showed no emotion as I was passed the envelope from my Grandma. I'd seen a letter with the exact same contents four times, the only difference was that this was worded differently.

Dear Parent/Carer,

I am writing to inform you that Polly Digby has been involved in a very serious incident of which I am sure she has informed you. She was caught truanting on several occasions with another student, and they have been punished as was seen fit at the time, however one of her more recent trespassing issues has been deemed by the schools head of governors as too serious to be punished within our school power. She and her 'truanting buddy' set fireon the school field and this fire, seriously got out of hand; a young student, seeing the flames attempted to douse them with an extinguisher that they had taken when they raised the alarm. This student has had to spend two nights in hospital from the minor burns they had sustained. With your consent, as of 20Th November, Polly Digby will no longer be a student of St Paul's Academy. She has been deemed unsafe and a possible threat to both staff and students because of her actions; we hope to organise a meeting with you and Polly to discuss her educational future and how we will proceed in her expulsion.

Yours sincerely,

Diane Thorpe

*    *     *


I leaned back on the uncomfortable red chair with my feet resting on top of one another. My usual hip-length, goldhairwas swept into a loose bun and my arms were crossed defensively across my body. The uniform I was forced to wear, wasn't as tidily worn as Mrs Thorpe would wish and her secretary kept on tutting to her self and giving me an annoyed glare across her desk.

I flexed my jaw slowly like a cow chewing grass, before being asked disgustedly by the secretary to spit out my chewing gum. I had been in Mrs Thorpe's office a million times for various reasons, and I'd only started St Paul's Academy in September. I hadn't lasted very long in my other four schools either. No body really understood me, and the kids at each school didn't really like me as much as I'd hoped. I never really fitted in anywhere, but that was probably because I never gave anyone enough time.

The heavy office door was steadily pushed open and my favourite person in the world, the only person I felt I could really trust, pushed herself slowly into the room. "Grandma!" I exclaimed, racing over to give the stout woman a long squeeze.

Grandma had short silver hair, which she always covered with hair pins and slides to keep in place. She wore a pair of glasses in a majestic shade of purple that slid down her snub pixie-like nose; her eyes were round and chocolate coloured, they always seemed to sparkle like she was constantly happy. She pulled away from me after afew seconds; she knew hugging me would soften her and then I'd get out of being punished, she couldn't let me get away with it. I'd already had too many chances.

* * *

Mrs Thorpe sat with her back straight on her cushioned chair. She wore a tight white blouse with ruffles around the shoulders, tucked into her knee-length black skirtwhich matched her tights and shiny heels. Her bleach-blond curls cascaded beyond her shoulders and twirled at the ends like a pig's tail. She had a grey pair of glasses that hung from a beaded ribbon around her pale neck.

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