Part 2

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I sat there behind the dumpster for a few minutes waiting to make sure it's clear. I got up and cautiously walked out of the alley way and onto the sidewalk and mingled myself into a crowd of people. " I have to find someone to help me." I whispered as I walked down the street.

As I walked I spotted the two men talking to someone up ahead So I quickly entered a store before they saw me. I walked around the store to see that it was a bookstore. " Mine as well, take a look around," I said to myself as I walked through the aisles. After A few hours wandering around the bookstore I looked at my watch and saw how much time had passed "Man I could stay in here forever, with all these books" I whispered to myself.

I then grabbed two books that I found from my favorite British Author and walked over to the cash register. the lady smiled at me as she checks my books out, I took out my wallet and handed her the exact amount that the books cost. Then walked out of the bookstore with my new books in a bag.

I stopped outside of the store and looked around "Where should I go? I have to find my way back home..." I then decided to walk North. With a sigh, I took out my phone as I walked but I was then grabbed and pulled into an alleyway.

I struggled in the person's arms trying to get free." Come on, I'm trying to help." I heard him whisper but I then elbowed him in the side and when that didn't work I stomped on his foot then once he loosed his grip I kicked him in the shin, which made him let go of me. "yeah, right weirdo" I said as I ran out of the alley and onto the street again with him fast on my heal.

I then turned onto a side street and ran down a few alley streets. I then got to one of the main streets looking back to find him nowhere in sight, I sighed then walked into a McDonald's that was close by, getting some food then sitting down.


I let out a sigh as I leaned against a building in exhaustion. "Man she can run fast" I whispered to myself. Once I got a few minutes of rest I stood up and walked onto the main street looking around. I then spotted the girl sitting down in the McDonald's across the street and let out another sigh.

I then crossed the street and entered McDonald's, I walked up to her seeing her trying to call someone with her phone.


As I ate my food and trying to call my sister with my phone, someone took my phone out of my hands ending the call and then sitting next to me. I looked up in surprised to find the younger guy that kidnapped me sitting next to me with my phone in his hands.

"Sorry, I can't let you do that," he said with a sigh as he looked at me.


I took her phone out of her hands ending the call and sitting down next to her, She then looked up at me in surprise I let out a sigh saying" Sorry, I can't let you do that."

"And Why ever not? it's my phone!" I heard her say with annoyance in her voice as she reaches over trying to take back her phone.

I looked at her making eye contact saying" that may be true, but I don't think it would help any if you call someone. how about you finish eating and then we will get going?"

She looked at me like she wasn't going to back down, but then she sat back down with a sigh and whispered "okay." I then heard my phone going off, I took it out of my pocket to see it was Kyle calling. I then set my phone down onto the table letting it ring.

"Aren't you going to answer that? isn't it from one of your friends?" I heard the girl ask, I looked up seeing her staring at me with her head tilted and one of her eyebrows raised in confusion.

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