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Tanra's POV

It was like any other day with papa and Kabuto-nii. Although we became under attack. Papa picked me up and started running while Kabuto-nii was fighting. "Papa where are we going to go?! they're at the entrance!" I yelled at him. Kabuto-nii and papa taught me a lot of things, Sensing others being one of them. He frowned his brows and stopped. "Tanra, this is going to be difficult but I need you safe. Alright?" I understood what he meant. He put me down and kneeled in front of me. "Tanra, Make a water ball and throw it at the ceiling for me ok?" I nodded and did as told and the ceiling fell around us creating a big hole in the ceiling. Papa instantly grabbed me into his arms after the hole was created and jumped up through it. He ran through the woods, Kabuto-nii finally caught up and ran by papa's side. "Did you get them?" Kabu-nii shook his head. "There were to many of them lord Orochimaru, but I did give them the slip." Papa nodded, but the moment was short-lived when I hit papa on the chest. "Up ahead!" We instantly stopped and he put me down in between him and Nii-san as they got into fighting stances. I did my best to get into a stance and be ready. They all surrounded us but instantly went in for the attack. We fought and I did try, I did my best but because of how small I am I was captured easily. I watched papa start to panic as I was taken off with. Papa tried so hard to get to me. Eventually I felt something jab me in the neck and the darkness welcomed me with open arms. When I came to I was tied to a chair in front of a desk. I recognized the man behind the desk as the third Hokage. I glared but gave a nod to him. "Lord Hokage." Papa told me about his childhood with the third and how he was my papa's sensei. He smiled at me a little and got out of his seat walking around his desk to come in front of me. I glared at him and kept my poster to show I wasn't scared. He got on his knees in front of me. "I'm glad your father didn't keep you in the dark about people he has been with, though from your expression I can guess nothing good about me came out of his mouth." I spat in his face and one of the ninjas in the room stomped over to me. "Why you little! How dare you spit at Lord Hokage!" The old man wiped it off his face and held his hand out telling the man to stop and to let it go. "Don't you dare speak badly about papa!" I yelled at the Hokage. Papa told me of the good and the bad about this man. I must say that I don't exactly like him very well so far. The third looked me in the eyes. "Your young enough..." One of the ninjas with scars on his face glared. "Lord Hokage, she was just brought to the village and we know nothing about her or if she has any plans!" The third laughed. "Ibiki, she is merely a child, she won't have much to relay on her fathers whereabouts." Ibiki glared intently at me and I returned the look. "Papa will get me back! You can't stop my papa! I won't let you hurt him!" The Hokage nodded towards all the ninja and said for them to leave except for one. "Kurenai, How do you feel about taking care of her and watching over her?" The woman with red eyes nodded. "Very well lord Hokage." He nodded and stood up smiling at me. I was untied after that. I decided that I should probably stay for a while and maybe I could learn a few things for papa. Just as the woman had picked me up the Hokage spoke up. "Oh, and Tanra, you will be joining the academy starting tomorrow." I turned real quick to glare at him. The woman took me to her place which is a very nice one. She put me on a bed and crossed her arms looking at me intensely. We didn't do much the rest of the night but make small talk and stare each other down. After I had gotten to the class with the Hokage he stepped in first. "Iruka, I have a new student for you. Tanra, please come in." I sighed but did as told. Most of them were a little creeped out by my looks but most of the girls were glaring at me. Iruka and the Hokage left the room to go speak so I just stood there firmly watching everyone. A girl with blonde hair stood up. "Tell me! Who catches your eye?!" Dam this girl is loud. I looked at where she was looking. "If you are referring to Mr Uchiha here then no." A boy with a dog on his head spoke to me with a smirk. "Then tell us, does anyone here in general catch your eye?" I glared at all of them. "Listen now and listen closely punks! I will grow no bond with any of you!" They all grew quiet. The door flew open and Iruka threw a boy with blonde hair onto the floor. As Iruka was giving him a lecture I walked over to the boy. I crouched down in front of him and he looked at me with wide eyes. I grabbed his chin and turned his head from side to side examining him. I whispered barely audible to anyone. "So this is the fourths legacy." I felt Iruka tense at my words. I stood up and went to sit down, unfortunately, the only seat there was, was next to the Uchiha. A few weeks went by and we had all passed the graduation class. Today we were being put on teams. Iruka had gone through most of them till he got to one. "Team 7, Sakura Haruno." Her head perked up in interest. "Naruto Uzumaki." He stood up throwing a fist shouting, "ya!" Sakura's head dropped at the same time saying, "I'm doomed." "Sasuke Uchiha." The two switched in disappointment and excitement. "And due to an odd amount of students Tanra." My head fell onto the desk making a big smack sound. I could feel Sakura glaring at me, Naruto looking at me in fear, and Uchiha smirking at me. Naruto jumped up. "Why does a great person like me get put in a group with a loser like him?!" Iruka sighed. "Naruto, you were scored with the lowest score, while Sasuke with the second highest." Sasuke glared at Iruka and spoke behind his folded hands with a bit of anger also cutting Iruka off. "What do you mean second highest? who wad the highest?" Iruka sighed. "Tanra is at the top." I smirked and Sasuke glared at me. After that we went for lunch. I was walking down the sidewalk when I saw Sasuke flirting with Sakura. I looked at his chakra seeing it wasn't Sasuke's. I looked around finding it in his room. I jumped up the building and walked in his window finding him tied up with tape over his mouth. I smirked. This was just too perfect. I crouched down in front of him. He glared intently at me. I pat him on the cheek with a smirk. "I just might need to use his legacy often." He looked at me confused but I just ripped the tape off slowly. "Owwwwww! You don't have to make it so painful!!!" He yelled at me. "Maybe I should give you to papa. He would enjoy that." He looked at me with more confusion. I untied him and helped him up as he rubbed his wrists. "Oh, you might want to hurry, your about to make a move." His eyes widen and he ran jumping out the window. I just shook my head walking to the window jumping out of it myself. I walked to a tree watching things go down as I ate. After the adventure of lunch and hours of waiting for our sensei he finally came. I walked down as Naruto laughed at him because he fell for his prank. He looked down at me when I reached him and was standing in front of him. "I get the copy cat huh?" He looked at me with a bit of a wide eye. He looked at all of us and told us to meet him on the roof. After all the stairs we climbed we sat down on more stairs. "Alright tell me about yourselves." Sakura gave him a confused look. "What do you mean sensei? What are we supposed to say?" He put his hand on his chin thinking. "Well, your likes, dislikes, names, hobbies. That kind of stuff." Naruto smiled. "You go first sensei! You know! Give us an example!" Our sensei looked at the sky. "Well, my name is Kakashi Hatake. I like to do many things, I don't necessarily dislike anything. My hobbies, well, there are many of them." Naruto and Sakura deadpanned. Sakura mumbled, "all he told us was his name." He looked at Naruto. "Alright how about you go first." Naruto got all cheery. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki and I'm gonna be the future Hokage believe it! My likes are." I tuned him out as all he talked about was ramen. Kakashi looked over at Sakura telling her to begin. I just shook my head in irritation as she squealed in every part of her sentence. When Sasuke spoke about wanting to kill a certain someone I glared intently at him. Sakura and naruto looked at me in fear while Kakashi sweat dropped. "Tanra, will you introduce yourself please?" I scoffed and crossed my arms. "Tch. Nothing about me is important enough for any of you to know. But I guess you can know my full name." I opened my eyes and glared at them all as I spoke. "My name is Tanra Uwabami." Sakura put her finger on her chin in thought. "Uwabami clan? I've never heard of them." I nodded and gave her a smirk. "I wouldn't doubt it seeing as how you most likely don't even know my father." Kakashi started talking but I pretty much just ignored him only listening to him explain the test tomorrow. I jumped onto the railing of the roof. "See you later loosers." I saluted at them with two fingers as I jumped off with Kakashi running after while yelling at me. "Tanra get back here! I'm supposed to be escorting you home!" I laughed while running through the village.

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