A New Beginning But Not Without Trouble

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Tanra's POV

I woke to the sound of beeping. I looked to the side seeing Sasuke laying on another bed. I forgot how peaceful he looks in his sleep. I suddenly remembered the last thing that happened after my fight with Kabuto-nii. I got up and walked over to him weakly holding onto my monitor and sat on his bed next to him. I saw something familiar on his neck. "So papa gave one to you huh? I'm sorry Sasuke. You were the only one I could open up to and I betrayed you. I betrayed your trust. I left you and the others behind. I do want to know though, Why did you let naruto bring me back, and why did you carry me in the end of my match?" I leaned down laying on him with my head on his chest listening to his heart beat. It was soothing and comforting listening to it. I drifted off again. I was awoken to an annoying Sakura making a fuss. "What are you doing with my Sasuke-kun Tanra!? I know you can hear me!" I opened my eyes as I slowly got up and rubbed them. "I fell asleep again? Sorry Sakura, but there's nothing between us and I don't like him in that way so don't worry about it." Her eyes went to the floor. "Tanra, Why did you do it? Why did you let him do this to Sasuke?" I looked at the floor sadly. "He is my papa Sakura, I'm sorry, but I will do as my papa pleases without question. I know in the beginning I said I wouldn't let any of you guys near my heart, but I lied. I'm sorry, I know I hurt you but you know what? I ran off because I couldn't stand to watch or hear my papa do those things to you guys. I care so much for you guys, and I am greatly sorry." I got off the bed and held tightly onto my monitor as I got onto my knees bowing. "Tanra, you don't need to get on your knees. I guess your right, family first huh? But we're your family now!" I got up still holding onto the monitor and looked at her sadly. "Sakura, please don't take this as hard as it will be, but when my papa says it's time. I will leave this family, this village." I let go of the monitor and tried to steady myself but Sakura had to grab my arms to keep me up. I pulled her into a tight hug and started crying, I don't like to cry, especially in front of others. "I'm sorry Sakura! I am truly sorry!" She rubbed my back trying to calm me down but I was having a hard time. After a while I stopped crying and just in time too. The door flew open and a very angry Anko came in. I was sitting on Sasuke's bed at this point when she stomped over to me. She grabbed me by my arm yanking me up standing. "What are you hiding!? What is your Father planning!? Answer me!" I looked at her in fear. "Let her go mam!" Anko looked at Sakura angrily. "Then you tell me everything!" Sakura went silent and she scoffed at her. "Come on! Spill the beans! Are you guys planning an attack or something!? I know your in on what ever your father is plotting!" I glared at her refusing to respond when she slapped me across the face. "Speak up!" I spat in her face. "Go to hell!" She glared at me after wiping off the spit. She threw me on the floor hard and it didn't take much to throw me because I was so weak at this point. The door flew open and Kakashi ran in grabbing Anko around the arms holding them back before she could kick me twice. The Hokage came running in a second after. "Anko that's enough! Your not going to get any information out of her that way!" I curled into a ball on the floor holding my stomach but I refused to cry. I could feel Sakura watching in fear. I was suddenly picked up making me flinch. The Hokage laid me in my bed and turned towards the others. "Kakashi get her out of here! Sakura get me some medics!" She ran out the door as Kakashi hauled a fighting Anko away. The Hokage brushed back my hair treating me as if I was his own daughter. Technically, he is my grandfather. "I'm sorry grandpa. I'm very sorry." He looked at me sadly and pulled me into his arms. I never thought this man would ever treat me this nicely. I wounded his shinobi, I gave off my team to my father. I joined the other side when we were on a mission, I have done so many terrible things, yet this man keeps giving me chance after chance. But why? "g-grandpa? why?" He laid me down as the pain started to fade. "Tanra, remember what I told you? I want you to learn to open up to us more. If I were to punish you for everything you have done wrong I would never have gotten this far into your heart. You wouldn't be calling me grandpa right now if I hand't done what I did. Tanra my biggest goal from the beginning was to show you not all the best people are people like your father, that you can trust more than just your blood line." I started crying and reached my shaking arms out to him. He welcomed the hug greatly and we just stayed like that till the medics got in. "Grandpa, I need to talk to you later." He nodded and left as the medics checked my vitals and sore spots. I never noticed the big cut on the back of my calf till now when they were checking it. After they left I got up and walked again holding onto the monitor over to Sasuke's bed. I sat on it and Sakura looked at me questionably. "Tanra, you say you don't have feelings for him and yet you keep going back to his bed." I giggled a little, "Sakura, I think of him as a friend. That is all. If you were in the hospital I would be doing what I am doing now. I think of you, Sasuke, Naruto, even Kakashi as my friends and comrades. Even if you all had given up on me and I'm sure most of you have." She shook her head. "That's not true, not even the slightest bit. Remember, even when me and Sasuke gave up on you Naruto was by your side helping you. After your fight with Kabuto Sasuke gave you the most caring look I had never seen before. Kakashi would had never ran in here to help you if he didn't care, and I wouldn't be here right now if I didn't care. Tanra everyone around you that you have interacted with cares about you. If we could change your mind on leaving with your father we would." I smiled and pulled her into a hug. A few days passed and I needed to find a trainer and quick. I went to the hokage's office to speak to him like I said I would. I knocked on the door listening for the come in. When I received it I walked in. I locked the door behind me and walked up to his desk. "Grandpa, what I am about to tell you must never be spoken of again outside of this office alright?" He nodded. "Very well Tanra, what is it?" I nodded. "Misty Uchiha has been resurrected by my father. He plans on using her somehow but I don't quite know what for. He is going to send her back home in a few days." His eyes widened. "I have a request grandpa. Will you be my trainer for the third exams please?" He chuckled and nodded. "Of course. Meet me on the training grounds where you and the others fought Kakashi for the first time tomorrow at six in the morning." I nodded and smiled brightly. I gave a quick bow. "Thank you grandpa!" I skipped out the door happily.

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