Meeting an Old Friend

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As a giant sword flew over us I jumped over it while the others got to the ground. My eyes widen and as soon as kakashi was up I ran behind him. He paid no mind to me but I felt him tense when a man with arm and leg warmers jumped onto the sword that was now embedded into a tree. "Why, isn't it the copy cat. It's going to be a pleasure to fight you, but first. Tanra I know your there." I tensed for a minute and walked out. "Nice to see you again zabuza-sensei." I heard everyone gasp as I rubbed the back of my neck. He narrowed his eyes at me. "Say, why aren't you with your father?" I dropped the nervous attitude and anger took over. "I would be if I wasn't taken from him." I could feel the pity in him but he wouldn't show it. I walked a little closer but just as kakashi went to grab my wrist I jumped away from him. "Senei, will you help me find papa?" Zabuza looked at me as I stood almost in front of him with my back to him. "Of course kid." I nodded and got into a fighting stance. "Then I'll lend you a hand here!" Kakashi's eye widened making me smirk. "I told you at the very beginning remember? I wouldn't make a bond with any of you leaf ninjas!" Sakura looked at me with wide eyes. "But Tanra!? You were part of our Team!" I glared at her for a minute before I closed my eyes standing tall. "You leaf ninjas have always been nothing but a nuance from the very beginning. Maybe if you leaf ninjas would have left me and papa alone we wouldn't be in this situation. I am not a leaf ninja, not like my papa was. I will help you sensei but we need to get this done quickly." He chucked and the fight began. I kept an eye on the three genin while zabuza took on kakashi. I pulled out my kuni making them tense and take out their kuni. I took my kimono off revealing my below knee black tights. Elbow length black shirt and black gloves. I wear a lot of black. I pulled up my mask that went over my mouth and got into a stance. Naruto being the nuckle head he is ran at me. I started running at him but just as he was close enough I stopped and as he swang with a kuni in his hand I let his kuni hit mine. I threw his out of his hand and grabbed his wrist while putting a hand on his shoulder. I pushed with one hand while pulling with the other, thus making him go flying. Sasuke ran at me very fast but just as he was about to hit me I turned and in the process of turning threw my leg up and hit his back also sending him flying. I smirked behind my mask at sakura. "What are you gonna do Sakura, you are the weakest member of the group after all. There's no way you'll ever be able to get as strong or stronger than us. I can't see why they even let a house rat join the academy." Her eyes widened. I turned around as I heard water clashing. My eyes widen and I started running. Sakura yelled from where she was at. "Kakashi-sensei watch out!" Zabuza's eyes widened as he has just cast his jutsu as kakashi had my wrist. We were dragged down into the water by Zabuza's water dragon. He called my name and dove into the water. That's when I lost consciousness. When I came to, I was layng on a futon mat. I looked around the room finding a figure laying next to me. I instantly recognized the duck ass hair. It must have been late at night seeing as how dark it is. He rolled over in his sleep pulling me close to him. I sighed and just stared at the ceiling. I failed zabuza-sensei. I failed papa. I will never be able to leave the village at this point, and no one will train me to become strong enough to do so either. I looked at the Uchiha and flicked him in the forehead. He jumped up out of the bed holding where I flicked him in pain. "What was that for!?" I sighed as I got up. "You snuggle in your sleep, you know that?" He turned red in embarrassment. "Don't tell anyone about it. Please." My eyes widened. This Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha, is asking me a favor? What is the world coming to? Am I even alive? I nodded trying to hold back a giggle, but it slipped out. His eyes widened when he heard it. "You can laugh?" I hit his shoulder almost lightly. "Of course I can. I'm not completely heartless." His eyes softened but I turned around facing away from him. "You know, your not as emotionless as you would always like to portray yourself as. I understand that you find it necessary to hide your emotions, even if our reasons for doing so is different, and we portray different emotions. We have our reasons." I turned my head to look at him slightly. "Can I go for a walk? You can come too for safety measures if you want. though I don't know what the tight watch is for anymore seeing as how I have nowhere to go now." He nodded so I walked to the window jumping out of it. I stood waiting for sasuke to follow. I know kakashi is on the roof, I could sense him there. Once he came down I started walking with him right next to me. We walked for quite a while with nothing said between us. When we got back I had sasuke go back to bed while I went to kakashi. He was sitting on his mat so I sat in a corner of the room. "Tell me copy cat, why did you bring me with you? Why didn't you just let me die in that water?" He looked at me with a closed eye smile. "You deserve to learn to live a better life than you have. You should experience more than being around murderers all the time." I instantly glared at his comment. "What makes you think I'm gonna ever be able to go back to papa or anyone else that I know would take care of me, be with me, or anything of the sort anymore!? I bet if my papa found out about what has happened here I will never be accepted by my papa again, and it's all thanks to you. I only know the way of a murderer huh? Well I've seen how you village shinobi live, and I'll tell you what. I don't like it. I don't care how much more of a murderer I become, as long as it makes papa happy I'm fine with it. I am nothing to my papa now. I went through years of training to loose like this? Papa will be disappointed in me." Kakashi's eye softened. "Tanra, stay with us at the village. No one will say anything of your betrayal. You can clear your name. You were raised by a murderer so it's understandable for you to act the way you do. Over time you will learn to get better." I stood up heading towards the door. "We'll finish this mission and go back. I won't guarantee I will always live in the village though. I will find my papa and that is that. Goodnight copy cat." I left back to my room with sasuke and slept for the rest of the night.

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