05 | harts & homes

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Maya's POV
I'm pissed. I should've never went on that date with Lucas and now I hate him even more than I did before.

I had to call Riley over and tell her about the news and why did she go on that date with Ethan when I told her that he almost ended her life. I heard a knock on the door and to my surprise it wasn't Riley.

It was my little brother Farkle. My mother had him right before she died so I put him up for adoption it was the worst thing that I've ever did. He looks so grownup I couldn't help but smile
"Hi! I'm looking for Maya Hart" he said looking in my apartment.
"I am Maya Hart" I said. He looked at me and smiled. I went on my knees for him to come to me. He ran up to me and hugged me, I smiled he was so happy I'm so glad he feels this way
"You're my big sister!" He said grasping me harder. I broke the hug
"I know! I'm so glad your okay" I said while my eyes tearing up. He gave me a kiss on the cheek.

He entered the place and he looked around.
"You live here?" He asked. I looked around and nodded
"How old are you?" He asked again.
"I'm nineteen. How old are you" I asked
"Woah you're old. I'm five" he said and I couldn't help but giggle and then it hit me. My mother was gonna for 5 years? It feels just like yesterday she was making dinner for me.
"I'm old? You're old!" I joked and I ran up to him and gave him a big hug
"How do you remember me?" I asked.
"My parents told me that I have a big sister" he said.
"They also told me that I was too old to live with them, so I made them look for you and now here I am!" He said. I couldn't stop smiling he was so happy and throughout all these years I always wanted that for him.

"Oh really? Five is too old?" I asked joking.
"Yep! For them"
"Where's mom?" He asked and I put him down slightly. I sighed and looked away
"What's wrong?" He asked. I looked back at him and smiled. He was way too young too know that our mother was gone
"Nothing she went on vacation! She went to Hawaii" I lied hoping he would believe it
"Why didn't you go with her?" He asked
"Because I have school Farkle" I lied.

I dropped out of school when I figured out my mother died. I lived with my stepdad Shawn until I turned 18 he bought me this house and he died as well.
"Where's daddy then?" He asked
"He left with her, just know that they're peacefully peaceful where they are" I smiled with a couple tears rolling down my cheek.

I showed Farkle where he would be sleeping and it was with me
"I don't want to sleep with you, you're a girl! Ew cuddies!" He said and I laughed and picked him up from the ground
"Well let's see what we will do about that" I said. I put him down and went to my laptop and searched for retailers for homes. I found a 2 bedroom apartment for me and Farkle.

I didn't have much money but I've been saving up for college when I was little but based on me dropping out of school early definitely means I'm not going to college.

I found a retailer and he was meeting me at 3pm today to look at houses close to this area. I heard another knock on the door, I got up but before I can reach the door Farkle runs up and opens the door before me.

It was Riley and she looked down at Farkle and smiled
"Oh my gosh" Is all that came out of Riley's mouth
"Hi I'm Farkle" he said back. I smiled and Riley looked up at me and giggles
"You can come in" Farkle said gesturing inside. Riley entered and hugged me
"Oh my god Maya, that's your little brother" Riley whispered too me
"I know" I said back. She broke the hug.

"Who are you?" Farkle asked and Riley looked at him
"I'm your big sisters bestfriend" She said and couldn't stop smiling. I took Riley to go see him when he was born and she was so exited that I would have a little brother like her. Auggie is Riley's little brother he was born about a month after Farkle, Riley expected them to be bestfriends just like us but I put him up for adoption.

"Oh, you're pretty" he said
"Thank you" Riley said. We sat on the couch while Farkle played with is toys
"So I was looking for a new house" I told her. She looked at me confused
"What?" She asked
"You're gonna move away from me?"
"No of course not, I just need at bigger house for Farkle and me. There is no way the both of us can live here together.

"Well I can help you, I have a lot of money saved up" Riley offered
"That's what best friends are for. But no, thanks Riley but now he is my responsibility I'm a trusted adult" I joked. She grabbed my hand
"I can help you Maya I know life has been tough for you but I'm always here" she said comforting. I smiled
"I know thanks" I said.

I looked back at my computer and looked at the house my retailer requested it was across the street from where I live right now.
"It's perfect" I said and Riley looked at the computer screen along with Farkle.

Riley went to check on her savings and without hesitation she sent it off to the retailer and my new house was bought. I thanked as many times as I can. She told me that's what friends are for and I couldn't wish for a better best friend, she wasn't my friend she was more than that.
After a couple of weeks me and Farkle were officially settled in our new home. I was finally at a place where I know that I would feel safe, yes I would miss the old house but I got Farkle back and that's all I ever wanted my family back.
Kinda a long chapter.

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